Content in

Volume 67 - Number 1 - March 1952

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A Hedge against Inflation
Clark Warburton

pp. 1-17

The Schuman Plan
John A. McKesson

pp. 18-35

The Courtesy of the Senate
Joseph P. Harris

pp. 36-63

Reflections on the French Revolution
R. R. Palmer

pp. 64-80

A Note on the Nature of Federalism
William S. Livingston

pp. 81-95

The Political, Social and Economic Development of Eastern Germany During 1950
Kurt R. Grossmann

pp. 96-120

The Lobbyists: The Art and Business of Influencing Lawmakers, Karl Schriftgiesser ; Congress: Its Contemporary Role, Ernest S. Griffith
Reviewed by David B. Truman

pp. 122-126

Man and the State, Jacques Maritain
Reviewed by Roland H. Bainton

pp. 127-129

American Conservatism in the Age of Enterprise, Robert Green McCloskey
Reviewed by Richard Hofstadter

pp. 129-130

Midwestern Progressive Politics: A Historical Study of Its Origins and Development, 1870-1950, Russel B. Nye
Reviewed by Clarke A. Chambers

pp. 130-131

The United States and France, Donald C. McKay
Reviewed by René Albrecht-Carrié

pp. 132-133

Germany and the Future of Europe, Hans J. Morgenthau
Reviewed by Francis L. Loewenheim

pp. 133-135

Central and South East Europe, 1945-1948, R. R. Betts ; The East European Revolution, Hugh Seton-Watson
Reviewed by Otakar Odlozilik

pp. 136-138

Am Beispiel Oesterreichs, Joseph Buttinger
Reviewed by Franz L. Neumann

pp. 138-141

Cross-Channel Attack. The U. S. Army in World War II. The European Theater of Operations, Gordon A. Harrison
Reviewed by John D. Millett

pp. 141-142

The China Story, Freda Utley
Reviewed by Raymond Dennett

pp. 143-147

China's Red Masters: Political Biographies of the Chinese Communist Leaders, Robert S. Elegant
Reviewed by N. T. Wang

pp. 147-149

Tito's Communism, Josef Korbel
Reviewed by Henry L. Roberts

pp. 149-150

Ten Great Economists: From Marx to Keynes, Joseph A. Schumpeter
Reviewed by Martin Albaum

pp. 150-151

The Genesis of Georges Sorel, James H. Meisel
Reviewed by Scott H. Lytle

pp. 151-153

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