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Volume 7 - Number 2 - June 1892

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Asylum in Legations and Consulates and in Vessels. II.
John Bassett Moore

pp. 197-231

The Present State of the Immigration Question
John Hawks Noble

pp. 232-243

Tithes in England and Wales
Robert Brown

pp. 244-257

Loria's Landed System of Social Economy
Ugo Rabbeno

pp. 258-293

Local Self-Government in Japan
Ernest W. Clement

pp. 294-306

The Exercise of the Suffrage
Albert Bushnell Hart

pp. 307-329

Record of Political Events

pp. 367-396

Money, Silver and Finance, J. Howard Cowperthwait ; The Question of Silver, Louis R. Ehrich ; The Silver Situation in the United States, F. W. Taussig
Reviewed by Charles B. Spahr

pp. 330-333

Civilization--its Cause and Cure; and other Essays, Edward Carpenter
Reviewed by Jeremiah W. Jenks

pp. 333-334

Scienza delle Finanze, Eteocle Lorini ; L'Ideale del Tributo, Da Roberto Cao ; Bijdrage tot de Theorie der Progressieve Inkomstenbelasting, Arnold Jacob Cohen-Stuart

pp. 335-339

Handbuch der Politischen Oekonomie, Gustav Schoenberg

pp. 339-340

Villainage in England, Paul Vinogradoff
Reviewed by Charles M. Andrews

pp. 340-344

Beitrage zur Wirtschaftlichen Entwickelungsgeschichte der Vereinigten Niederlande im 17 und 18 Jahrhundert, Gustav Schmoller and Otto Pringsheim
Reviewed by W. J. Ashley

pp. 345-347

Trade Unionism, New and Old, George Howell ; Problems of Poverty, John A. Hobson
Reviewed by Stephen F. Weston

pp. 347-350

Elements de Sociologie, Combes de Lestrade ; Sociologie und Politik, Ludwig Gumplowicz ; Les Lois Sociologiques, Guillaume de Greef
Reviewed by F. H. Giddings

pp. 350-353

Preussiches Stadtrecht, Eugen Leidig

pp. 354-355

L'Europe et la Revolution Francaise, Albert Sorel
Reviewed by Herbert L. Osgood

pp. 355-357

Patrick Henry, William Wirt Henry
Reviewed by Worthington Chauncey Ford

pp. 358-360

A History of the People of the United States, from the Revolution to the Civil War, John Bach McMaster
Reviewed by Albert Bushnell Hart

pp. 360-363

Le Gouvernment dans la Democratie, Émile de Laveleye
Reviewed by Freeman Snow

pp. 363-366

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