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Volume 63 - Number 2 - June 1948

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Macaulay and his History--A Hundred Years After
Robert Livingston Schuyler

pp. 161-193

Reichswehr and National Socialism: The Policy of Wilhelm Groener, 1928-1932
Gordon A. Craig

pp. 194-229

Some Implications of a Program for Full Employment and Economic Stability
W. W. Cooper

pp. 230-256

Albania within the Slav Orbit: Advent to Power of the Communist Party
Stavro Skendi

pp. 257-274

Kingship and the Gods: A Study of Ancient Near Eastern Religion as the Integration of Society & Nature, Henri Frankfort
Reviewed by M. I. Finley

pp. 275-281

Speaking Frankly, James F. Byrnes
Reviewed by Philip E. Mosely

pp. 281-283

The Cold War: A Study in U. S. Foreign Policy, Walter Lippmann
Reviewed by Nathaniel Peffer

pp. 283-285

America's Destiny, Herman Finer
Reviewed by Julien Steinberg

pp. 285-287

The Great Rehearsal, Carl Van Doren
Reviewed by Edwin C. Rozwenc

pp. 287-289

Our Enemy, the State, Albert Jay Nock ; The Individual, the State and World Government, A. C. Ewing
Reviewed by Ossip K. Flechtheim

pp. 289-291

The United Nations, Leland M. Goodrich
Reviewed by Grayson Kirk

pp. 292-293

A Wandering Student: The Story of a Purpose, Bernard Pares
Reviewed by John N. Hazard

pp. 293-295

Germany--Bridge or Battleground, James P. Warburg
Reviewed by Louis L. Snyder

pp. 295-297

Decentralize for Liberty, Thomas Hewes
Reviewed by John J. Graham

pp. 297-299

The New Economics: Keynes's Influence on Theory and Public Policy, Seymour Harris
Reviewed by Lyle C. Fitch

pp. 299-301

The Elements of Economics: An Introduction to the Theory of Price and Employment, Lorie Tarshis
Reviewed by Sar A. Levitan

pp. 301-303

Argentina at the Turn of 1946/47, Walter P. Schuck ; Revolution before Breakfast: Argentina, 1941-1946, Ruth Greenup and Leonard Greenup
Reviewed by Felix J. Weil

pp. 303-304

Documents on British Foreign Policy, 1919-1939, E. L. Woodward and Rohan Butler
Reviewed by Felix Gilbert

pp. 304-307

Studies in the Background of English Radicalism, with Special Reference to the French Revolution, M. Ray Adams
Reviewed by Walter Phelps Hall

pp. 307-309

Abigail Adams, Janet Whitney ; New Letters of Abigail Adams, 1788-1801, Stewart Mitchell
Reviewed by Ralph Adams Brown

pp. 309-310

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