Content in

Volume 62 - Number 1 - March 1947

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The Crime of Aggression and the Future of International Law
Philip C. Jessup

pp. 1-10

The Issues of the Nuremberg Trial
Herbert Wechsler

pp. 11-26

The Resistance and the Political Parties of Western Europe
Gabriel A. Almond

pp. 27-61

Hugo Grotius and the Social Sciences
Albert Salomon

pp. 62-81

A Plan for the Study of Business Thinking
Thomas C. Cochran

pp. 82-90

Personnel Bottleneck
Eli Ginzberg

pp. 91-102

A Note on the Occupation of Iceland by American Forces
John L. Zimmerman

pp. 103-106

Concord and Liberty, Helene Weyl
Reviewed by René Albrecht-Carrié

pp. 107-111

Where are we Heading?, Sumner Welles
Reviewed by Philip E. Mosely

pp. 111-114

Mainsprings of Civilization, Ellsworth Huntington
Reviewed by Howard A. Meyerhoff

pp. 114-117

World War: Its Cause and Cure: 2nd Edition: The Problem Reconsidered in View of the Release of Atomic Energy, Lionel Curtis
Reviewed by Fremont Rider

pp. 117-120

Two Worlds: A Realistic Approach to the Problem of Keeping the Peace, William B. Ziff
Reviewed by Frederick L. Schuman

pp. 120-121

American Radicalism, 1865-1901: Essays and Documents, Chester McArthur Destler
Reviewed by Harold U. Faulkner

pp. 121-123

Population and Peace in the Pacific, Warren S. Thompson
Reviewed by Franz Michael

pp. 123-126

The Population of the Soviet Union: History and Prospects, Frank Lorimer
Reviewed by Harry Schwartz

pp. 126-127

The German People: Their History and Civilization from the Holy Roman Empire to the Third Reich, Veit Valentin and Olga Marx
Reviewed by Walter Consuelo Langsam

pp. 127-128

Germany Tried Democracy: A Political History of the Reich from 1918 to 1933, S. William Halperin
Reviewed by Ross Hoffman

pp. 128-130

Soviet Legal Theory: Its Social Background and Development, Rudolf Schlesinger
Reviewed by Otto Kirchheimer

pp. 130-132

Restless India, Lawrence K. Rosinger
Reviewed by Bruce T. McCully

pp. 132-134

The Revolt of the South and West, A. G. Mezerik
Reviewed by Fred A. Shannon

pp. 134-136

Economic Freedom for the West, Wendell Berge
Reviewed by H. F. Otte

pp. 136-138

The International Labour Movement, John Price
Reviewed by Franz L. Neumann

pp. 138-140

Brandeis: A Free Man's Life, Alpheus Thomas Mason
Reviewed by Homer C. Hockett

pp. 140-142

Plato's Theory of Man: An Introduction to the Realistic Philosophy of Culture, John Wild
Reviewed by Kurt von Fritz

pp. 142-145

The Danzig Dilemma: A Study in Peacemaking by Compromise, John Brown Mason
Reviewed by John H. Wuorinen

pp. 145-147

Boundary-Making: A Handbook for Statesmen, Treaty Editors, and Boundary Commissioners, Stephen B. Jones and S. Whittemore Boggs
Reviewed by Edward L. Ullman

pp. 147-149

Sun Yat-sen: A Portrait, Stephen Chen and Robert Payne
Reviewed by Knight Biggerstaff

pp. 149-150

Imperial Commonwealth, Allan Nevins and Lord Elton
Reviewed by Charles F. Mullett

pp. 150-151

The Development of the Legislative Council, 1606-1945, Martin Wight
Reviewed by Robert Livingston Schuyler

pp. 152-153

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