Content in

Volume 6 - Number 4 - December 1891

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Our Two Great Parties: Their Origin and Tasks
Anson D. Morse

pp. 593-612

The Association of the First Congress
Paul Leicester Ford

pp. 613-624

The Single Tax
Charles B. Spahr

pp. 625-634

Sociology as a University Study
Franklin H. Giddings

pp. 635-655

Contributions to the History of the Social Contract Theory
David G. Ritchie

pp. 656-676

Woman Suffrage in Local Self-Government
M. Ostrogorski

pp. 677-710

Lincoln and Seward and Their Latest Biographers
Frederic Bancroft

pp. 711-724

Record of Political Events

pp. 763-784

The American Revolution, Charles Howard McIlwain
Reviewed by H. L. Osgood

pp. 725-727

The English Constitution, Jesse Macy
Reviewed by H. L. Osgood

pp. 727-729

Documents Illustrative of the Canadian Constitution, William Houston
Reviewed by Thomas D. Rambaut

pp. 730-731

Black America, Scott Nearing
Reviewed by Frederic Bancroft

pp. 731-733

Recueil des Inscriptions Furidiques Grecques: Texte, Traduction, Commentaire, R. Dareste and B. Haussoullier
Reviewed by A. C. Merriam

pp. 733-734

The Origin of Property in Land, W. J. Ashley and Fustel de Coulanges
Reviewed by Charles M. Andrews

pp. 734-736

A Treatise on the Law of Citizenship in the United States, Prentiss Webster
Reviewed by Munroe Smith

pp. 737-740

Principles of Economics, Alfred Marshall
Reviewed by J. B. Clark

p. 740

Principii di Economia Pura, Maffeo Pantaleoni

pp. 741-742

Agrarpolitische Zeit- und Streitfragen, August von Miaskowski ; Das Problem der Grundbesitzverteilung in Geschichtlicher Entwicklung, August von Miaskowski
Reviewed by Franklin H. Giddings

pp. 743-744

Studies in Statistics: Social, Political and Medical, George Blundell Longstaff
Reviewed by Frank R. Hathaway

pp. 744-745

Socialism, New and Old, William Graham
Reviewed by Richmond Mayo-Smith

pp. 746-747

The Principles of Rating Practically Considered, Edward Boyle and George Humphreys Davies ; Urban Rating, Charles Henry Sargant ; The Local Taxation of Chief Rents, J. E. C. Munro

pp. 748-750

The Relation of Labor to the Law of To-Day, Lujo Brentano and Porter Sherman
Reviewed by W. J. Ashley

pp. 750-751

The Eight-Hour Day, Sidney Webb and Harold Cox
Reviewed by George Gunton

pp. 751-754

The Monetary Question, G. M. Boissevain and G. Townsend Warner ; Le Probleme Monetaire et sa Solution, G. M. Boissevain ; La Monnaie et le Bimetallisme International, Emile de Laveleye ; The Industrial Competition of Asia, Clermont J. Daniell
Reviewed by J. Laurence Laughlin

pp. 755-758

The Principles of State Interference, David G. Ritchie

pp. 758-760

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