Content in

Volume 58 - Number 3 - September 1943

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The Background of Our War Finance: A Rip Van Winkle Survey
Robert Murray Haig

pp. 321-337

Thurman Arnold and the Antitrust Laws
Corwin D. Edwards

pp. 338-355

The Idea of a National Government During the American Revolution
Merrill Jensen

pp. 356-379

Congressional Oversight of Administration: The Power of the Purse--II
Arthur W. Macmahon

pp. 380-414

A Note on Latin American Politics
Frank Tannenbaum

pp. 415-421

A Study of War, Quincy Wright
Reviewed by T. H. Thomas

pp. 422-426

One World, Wendell L. Willkie
Reviewed by George N. Shuster

pp. 426-429

U. S. Foreign Policy: Shield of the Republic, Walter Lippmann
Reviewed by Thomas A. Bailey

pp. 429-431

Make This the Last War: The Future of the United Nations, Michael Straight
Reviewed by Henry B. Parkes

pp. 431-433

Reflections on Government, Ernest Barker
Reviewed by T. P. Peardon

pp. 433-435

The New Leviathan or Man, Society, Civilization and Barbarism, R. G. Collingwood
Reviewed by George Catlin

pp. 435-436

The Law of Civilization and Decay: An Essay on History, Brooks Adams and Charles A. Beard
Reviewed by Donald J. Pierce

pp. 437-438

The English People: Impressions and Observations, D. W. Brogan
Reviewed by J. B. Brebner

pp. 439-440

Postmortem on Malaya, Virginia Thompson and George Sansom
Reviewed by Jane Belo

pp. 440-442

The Nazi State, William Ebenstein
Reviewed by Otto Kirchheimer

pp. 442-444

War without Inflation: The Psychological Approach to Problems of War Economy, George Katona
Reviewed by Arthur Nussbaum

pp. 444-445

Economic Problems of War and Its Aftermath, Chester W. Wright
Reviewed by Antonín Basch

pp. 445-447

Vichy: Two Years of Deception, Léon Marchal
Reviewed by René Albrecht-Carrié

pp. 447-448

Raymond Poincare and the French Presidency, Gordon Wright
Reviewed by Edward McChesney Sait

pp. 449-450

Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The Fallacy of Race, Aldous Huxley
Reviewed by Jacques Barzun

pp. 450-451

Latin America: Its Place in World Life, Samuel Guy Inman
Reviewed by Lawrence F. Hill

pp. 452-453

World Minerals and World Peace, Cleona Lewis, Charles K. Leith and J. W. Furness ; Minerals in World Affairs, T. S. Lovering
Reviewed by Thomas T. Read

pp. 453-454

American Agriculture, 1899-1939: A Study of Output, Employment and Productivity, Harold Barger and Hans H. Landsberg
Reviewed by William T. Ham

pp. 454-456

The Tennessee Valley Authority: A Study in Public Administration, C. Herman Pritchett
Reviewed by James E. Pate

pp. 456-457

Postwar Economic Problems, Seymour E. Harris
Reviewed by Spurgeon Bell

pp. 458-460

An Economic Program for a Living Democracy, Irving H. Flamm
Reviewed by Robert D. Calkins

pp. 460-461

The Great Southwest Strike, Ruth A. Allen ; The Pullman Strike: The Story of a Unique Experiment and of a Great Labor Upheaval, Almont Lindsey
Reviewed by Herbert R. Northrup

pp. 461-463

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