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Volume 47 - Number 1 - March 1932

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Some Historical Idols
Robert Livingston Schuyler

pp. 1-18

Sun Yat-Sen and Maurice William
James T. Shotwell

pp. 19-26

Political Relations of Great Britain with Morocco, From 1830 to 1841
F. R. Flournoy

pp. 27-56

British Economists and the Empire II
Donald O. Wagner

pp. 57-74

The Prussian Bureaucracy in the Eighteenth Century II
Walter L. Dorn

pp. 75-94

Martial Law, Yesterday and Today
Edward S. Corwin

pp. 95-104

The Public and Its Government, Felix Frankfurter
Reviewed by Edward S. Corwin

pp. 105-107

The Concert of Europe, R. B. Mowat
Reviewed by William E. Lingelbach

pp. 108-110

The Evolution of International Public Law in Europe since Grotius, Walter Simons
Reviewed by C. G. Fenwick

pp. 110-112

Memoirs of Prince von Bulow. Volume I: From Secretary of State to Imperial Chancellor, 1897-1903, F. A. Voight ; Memoirs of Prince von Bulow: Volume II: From the Morocco Crisis to Resignation, 1903-1909, Geoffrey Dunlop
Reviewed by William L. Langer

pp. 112-115

King Cotton Diplomacy, Frank Lawrence Owsley
Reviewed by Carl Russell Fish

pp. 115-118

International Adjudications, John Bassett Moore
Reviewed by Philip C. Jessup

pp. 118-120

Planwirtschaft und Verkehrswirtschaft, Carl Landauer
Reviewed by Abbott Payson Usher

pp. 120-122

Post-War Treaties for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes, Max Habicht
Reviewed by Francis Deák

pp. 122-123

The History of Peace, A. C. F. Beales
Reviewed by Charles Hodges

pp. 124-126

The Cotton Trade and Industrial Lancashire, 1600-1780, Alfred P. Wadsworth
Reviewed by Judith Blow Williams

pp. 127-130

The Problem of Maintaining Purchasing Power, P. W. Martin
Reviewed by Simon Kuznets

pp. 130-132

La Revolution russe: Ses origines, ses resultats. Volume I: Les Soviets; Volume II: Le Parti bolcheviste, Henry Rollin
Reviewed by Michael T. Florinsky

pp. 132-134

Soviet Foreign Trade: Menace or Promise, J. M. Budish and Samuel S. Shipman
Reviewed by A. F. Hinrichs

pp. 134-136

Modern English Reform, Edward P. Cheyney
Reviewed by Joseph H. Park

pp. 136-138

Europe and the American Civil War, Donaldson Jordan and Edwin J. Pratt
Reviewed by E. Malcolm Carroll

pp. 138-140

Histoire du Saint-Simonisme (1825-1864), Sébastien Charléty ; Enfantin, Sébastien Charléty
Reviewed by Edward S. Mason

pp. 140-141

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