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Volume 45 - Number 3 - September 1930

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The Reparations Settlement and Economic Peace in Europe
Thomas W. Lamont

pp. 321-326

Financial Aspects of International Relations
Josiah Charles Stamp

pp. 327-340

Pareto and Pantaleoni: Personal Reminiscences of Two Italian Economists

pp. 341-346

Nullification: A Process of Government
Schuyler C. Wallace

pp. 347-358

The Relation of International Law to the Law of Germany
Ruth D. Masters

pp. 359-394

Harrington and Contemporary Thought
J. W. Gough

pp. 395-404

The Agricultural Policy of France II
Rexford G. Tugwell

pp. 405-428

The New Industrial Revolution, Walter Meakin
Reviewed by Abbott Payson Usher

pp. 429-431

The New Industrial Revolution and Wages, W. Jett Lauck
Reviewed by John R. Commons

pp. 431-433

A Review of Economic Theory, Edwin Cannan
Reviewed by Horace Taylor

pp. 433-436

The Tariff on Iron and Steel, Abraham Berglund and Philip G. Wright
Reviewed by John Donaldson

pp. 440-442

The Statistical Method in Economics and Political Science, P. Sargant Florence

pp. 442-444

Saraevskoe ubiistvo (The Sarajevo Murder), N. P. Poletika
Reviewed by Michael T. Florinsky

pp. 445-447

Correspondance diplomatique du Baron de Staal (1884-1900), Alexandre Meyendorff
Reviewed by Michael T. Florinsky

pp. 447-449

America's Ambassadors to England (1785-1929); A Narrative of Anglo-American Diplomatic Relations, Beckles Willson
Reviewed by Henry M. Wriston

pp. 449-452

Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria, Joseph Redlich ; The Hohenzollerns, Herbert Eulenberg
Reviewed by Preston Slosson

pp. 452-455

After Thirty Years, Viscount Gladstone
Reviewed by F. R. Flournoy

pp. 455-457

The Constitutional Development of Jamaica, 1660 to 1729, Agnes M. Whitson
Reviewed by W. T. Root

pp. 457-459

Responsible Government in the Dominions, Arthur Berriedale Keith ; The Sovereignty of the British Dominions, Arthur Berriedale Keith
Reviewed by Robert Livingston Schuyler

pp. 459-461

Empire and Commonwealth, Chester Martin
Reviewed by A. Gordon Dewey

pp. 461-463

The Coal Industry of the Eighteenth Century, Thomas Southcliffe Ashton and Joseph Sykes
Reviewed by Judith Blow Williams

pp. 464-465

Les Effets economiques et sociaux de la guerre en Grece, André Andréadès
Reviewed by Eliot G. Mears

pp. 465-467

Social Research, George A. Lundberg
Reviewed by W. Wallace Weaver

pp. 467-469

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