Content in

Volume 39 - Number 2 - June 1924

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Some Aspects of China's Constitutional Problem
Harold Scott Quigley

pp. 189-200

Treaty No. 2 of the Washington Conference
Harry S. Knapp

pp. 201-217

On Methods in the Study of Politics II
A. Gordon Dewey

pp. 218-233

The Political Application of Romanticism
W. Y. Elliott

pp. 234-264

The Turkish Petroleum Company--A Study in Oleaginous Diplomacy
Edward Mead Earle

pp. 265-279

Some Contemporary Mexican Reactions to Cleveland's Venezuelan Message
J. Fred Rippy

pp. 280-292

The Present Status of the Labor Movement in Germany
Boris Stern

pp. 293-307

British Foreign Policy
Bernadotte E. Schmitt

pp. 308-322

Primitive Society, Robert H. Lowie ; Early Civilization, An Introduction to Anthropology, Alexander A. Goldenweiser ; Man and Culture, Clark Wissler ; Anthropology, A. L. Kroeber
Reviewed by William F. Ogburn

pp. 323-328

The Great Game of Politics, Frank R. Kent
Reviewed by Howard Lee McBain

pp. 331-333

Grover Cleveland, the Man and the Statesman, Robert McElroy
Reviewed by David S. Muzzey

pp. 333-337

The Life of Lord Rosebery, E. T. Raymond
Reviewed by Robert Livingston Schuyler

pp. 337-340

My Mission to Russia and Other Diplomatic Memories, George Buchanan
Reviewed by Serge A. Korff

pp. 340-343

Labour Supply and Regulation, Humbert Wolfe
Reviewed by Alvin Johnson

pp. 343-345

Samuel Adams, Promoter of the American Revolution. A Study in Psychology and Politics, Ralph Volney Harlow
Reviewed by Evarts B. Greene

pp. 345-347

Political Action, Seba Eldridge and Edward A. Hayes
Reviewed by Harry W. Laidler

pp. 347-349

My Rhineland Journal, Henry T. Allen
Reviewed by Nelson P. Mead

pp. 349-351

Actividades de la Liga de las Naciones, Cosme de la Torriente
Reviewed by M. M. Knight

pp. 351-353

Money, Edwin Walter Kemmerer
Reviewed by E. E. Agger

pp. 353-354

The History of Utopian Thought, Joyce O. Hertzler
Reviewed by Rexford G. Tugwell

pp. 354-356

Public Relief of Sickness, Gerald Morgan
Reviewed by Arthur Evans Wood

pp. 356-359

Capital's Duty to the Wage Earner, John Calder
Reviewed by D. D. Lescohier

pp. 359-360

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