Content in

Volume 37 - Number 2 - June 1922

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Regulation of Business in Canada
Robert James McFall

pp. 177-210

The French Railway Problem
Harvey J. Bresler

pp. 211-226

A Sociological Interpretation of the Russian Revolution
Jerome Davis

pp. 227-250

Some Leading Phases of the Evolution of Modern Penology
Harry Elmer Barnes

pp. 251-280

Proportional Representation in American Cities
Howard Lee McBain

pp. 281-298

An Italian Ambassador's Diary of the Peace Conference
Gino Speranza

pp. 299-309

A History of the United States: The Period of Transition, 1815- 1848, Edward Channing
Reviewed by David S. Muzzey

pp. 310-313

Moltke, F. E. Whitton
Reviewed by Lucius H. Holt

pp. 314-316

Out of My Life, Marshal von Hindenburg and F. A. Holt
Reviewed by Bernadotte E. Schmitt

pp. 316-319

Mexico and Its Reconstruction, Chester Lloyd Jones
Reviewed by Herbert Ingram Priestley

pp. 319-321

Histoire generale de la Chine et de ses relations avec les pays etrangers depuis les temps les plus anciens jusqu'a la chute de la dynastie mandchoue, Henri Cordier
Reviewed by K. S. Latourette

pp. 321-323

The Evolution of Long Island, Ralph Henry Gabriel
Reviewed by Dixon Ryan Fox

pp. 323-324

Belgium: The Making of a Nation, H. Vander Linden and Sybil Jane
Reviewed by Charles Downer Hazen

pp. 325-326

A Political History of Modern Europe. From the Reformation to the Present Day, Ferdinand Schevill
Reviewed by Charles Downer Hazen

pp. 326-328

The High Cost of Strikes, Marshall Olds
Reviewed by Frederick C. Mills

pp. 328-330

Immigrant Health and the Community, Michael M. Davis
Reviewed by Robert E. Chaddock

pp. 330-332

The Writing of History. An Introduction to Historical Method, Fred Morrow Fling
Reviewed by Dixon Ryan Fox

pp. 332-333

What Japan Wants, Yoshi S. Kuno
Reviewed by E. T. Williams

pp. 333-335

Argentine International Trade under Inconvertible Paper Money, 1880-1900, John H. Williams
Reviewed by C. H. Haring

pp. 336-337

The Stock Market, Solomon S. Huebner ; The Work of the Stock Exchange, J. Edward Meeker
Reviewed by James C. Bonbright

pp. 338-340

Nationalization of the Mines, Frank Hodges
Reviewed by Walton H. Hamilton

pp. 340-342

Histoire du Canada, François-Xavier Garneau, Hector Garneau and M. Gabriel Hanotaux
Reviewed by Reginald G. Trotter

pp. 342-343

"Full Up and Fed Up"; The Worker's Mind in Crowded Britain, Whiting Williams
Reviewed by Ordway Tead

pp. 344-346

L'Irlande dans la Crise Universelle (1914-1920), Y. M. Goblet
Reviewed by C. E. McGuire

pp. 346-347

England in Transition, 1789-1832: A Study of Movements, William Law Mathieson
Reviewed by William Thomas Morgan

pp. 347-348

Commons Debates for 1629. Critically edited and an Introduction dealing with Parliamentary Sources for the Early Stuarts, Wallace Notestein and Frances Helen Relf
Reviewed by C. H. McIlwain

pp. 349-351

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