Content in

Volume 4 - Number 2 - June 1889

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Municipal Government in Great Britain
Albert Shaw

pp. 197-229

The Constitutions of the State of New York. II.
J. Hampden Dougherty

pp. 230-260

Decisions of the Courts in Conspiracy and Boycott Cases
E. P. Cheyney

pp. 261-278

Rotation in Office
Frederick W. Whitridge

pp. 279-295

The Development of the Whiskey Trust
Jeremiah W. Jenks

pp. 296-319

Record of Political Events
Archie Emerson Palmer

pp. 353-380

Omitted Chapters of History, Disclosed in the Life and Papers of Edmund Randolph, Governor of Virginia, First Attorney-General, United States Secretary of State, Moncure D. Conway
Reviewed by Edward P. Smith

pp. 320-322

John Brown, Hermann von Holst and Frank Preston Stearns

pp. 322-323

American Commonwealths:--Indiana: A Redemption from Slavery, J. P. Dunn ; American Commonwealths:--Ohio: First Fruits of the Ordinance of 1787, Rufus King
Reviewed by Robert Weil

pp. 324-327

De l'Organisation des Partis Politiques aux Etats-Unis, M. Ostrogorski

pp. 327-328

Histoire du Commerce de la France, H. Pigeonneau
Reviewed by Edward G. Bourne

pp. 329-331

L'Indo-Chine Francaise, J. L. de Lanessan
Reviewed by James Breck Perkins

pp. 332-333

La France Provinciale: vie Sociale, Moeurs Administratives, René Millet

pp. 333-334

Le Corporazioni d'Arti e Mestieri e la Liberta del Commercio Interno negli Antichi Economisti Italiani, Guiseppe Alberti

p. 335

Profit Sharing between Employer and Employee: A Study in the Evolution of the Wages System, Nicholas Paine Gilman ; A Treatise on Co-operative Savings and Loan Associations, Seymour Dexter
Reviewed by F. H. Giddings

pp. 336-338

A History of Taxation and Taxes in England, from the Earliest times to the Year 1885, Stephen Dowell ; Traite de critique et de statistique comparee des institutions financieres, skystemes d'impots, et reformes fiscales des divers Etats au XIXe siecle, E. Fournier De Flaix

pp. 339-342

Kapital und Kapitalzins, Eugen von Böhm-Bawerk
Reviewed by John B. Clark

pp. 342-346

Le droit et les faits Economiques, A. Béchaux

pp. 346-348

Penological and Preventive Principles, with Special Reference to Europe and America, etc, William Tallack ; Crime, its Causes and Remedy, L. Gordon Rylands
Reviewed by Roland P. Falkner

pp. 348-350

American Constitutional Law, Bernard Schwartz
Reviewed by John W. Burgess

pp. 350-352

Publications of the American Statistical Association: Statistics of Water Power Employed in Manufacturing in the United States, Geo F. Swain ; Publications of the American Statistical Association: Park Areas and open Spaces in American and European Cities, E. R. L. Gould ; Publications of the American Statistical Association: Key to the Publications of the United States Census, 1790-1887, etc, Edward Clark Lunt ; Publications of the American Statistical Association: Life Insurance in the United States, Walter C. Wright

p. 352

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