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Volume 32 - Number 4 - December 1917

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The National Government as a Holding Corporation: The Question of Subsidiary Budgets
W. F. Willoughby

pp. 505-521

Social Welfare in Rate Making
Raymond T. Bye

pp. 522-541

The Workmen's Compensation Cases
Thomas Reed Powell

pp. 542-569

Carlyle's Conception of History
Herbert L. Stewart

pp. 570-589

The Nature of Peace and the Terms of its Perpetuation, Thorstein Veblen
Reviewed by Helen Marot

pp. 590-594

American World Policies, Walter E. Weyl
Reviewed by Edward Krehbiel

pp. 595-599

The English-Speaking Peoples, George Louis Beer
Reviewed by R. L. Schuyler

pp. 599-603

Our Eastern Question, Thomas F. Millard ; Contemporary Politics in the Far East, Stanley K. Hornbeck
Reviewed by H. R. Mussey

pp. 603-609

The New Protectionism, J. A. Hobson
Reviewed by Edward Porritt

pp. 609-611

American Diplomacy, Carl Russell Fish
Reviewed by J. B. Moore

pp. 612-618

State Government in the United States, Arthur N. Holcombe
Reviewed by Alfred Z. Reed

pp. 619-625

The Primates of the Four Georges, Alfred W. Rowden
Reviewed by Annie G. Porritt

pp. 625-626

Lord Granville Leveson Gower (First Earl Granville), Private Correspondence: 1781-1821, Castalia Countess Granville
Reviewed by Edward Porritt

pp. 627-629

Essai sur les Origines de la Chambre des Communes, D. Pasquet
Reviewed by H. D. Hazeltine

pp. 629-631

Jeffersonian Democracy in New England, William A. Robinson
Reviewed by D. S. Muzzey

pp. 632-634

Criminality and Economic Conditions, William Adrian Bonger, Henry P. Horton, Edward Lindsey and Frank H. Norcross
Reviewed by F. H. Hankins

pp. 634-638

Societal Evolution; A Study of the Evolutionary Basis of Society, Albert Galloway Keller
Reviewed by Russell Gordon Smith

pp. 638-641

Social Rule, Elsie Clews Parsons
Reviewed by William F. Ogburn

pp. 641-643

Rest Days, Hutton Webster
Reviewed by Harry E. Barnes

pp. 643-645

Principles of Railroad Transportation, Emory R. Johnson and T. W. Van Metre
Reviewed by Ernest Ritson Dewsnup

pp. 646-650

Arbitration and Conciliation in Australasia: The Legal Wage in Victoria and New Zealand, J. Shield Nicholson and Mary Theresa Rankin
Reviewed by M. B. Hammond

pp. 650-654

Mine Taxation in the United States, Lewis Emanuel Young
Reviewed by H. A. E. Chandler

pp. 654-656

Patriots in the Making, Myron T. Herrick and Jonathan French Scott

pp. 656-658

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