Content in

Volume 29 - Number 1 - March 1914

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The Federal Income Tax

pp. 1-27

The Theory of Public Employment Offices and the Principles of their Practical Administration
William M. Leiserson

pp. 28-46

Commerce and War
Alvin Saunders Johnson

pp. 47-56

The Minnesota Rate Cases
John Bauer

pp. 57-83

Direct Legislation in Arkansas
David Y. Thomas

pp. 84-110

Recent Developments of Proportional Representation
J. Fischer Williams

pp. 111-122

A Treatise on the Law of Public Utilities Operating in Cities and Towns, Oscar L. Pond
Reviewed by Howard L. McBain

pp. 123-126

The Governments of Europe, Frederick Austin Ogg
Reviewed by Raymond Garfield Getteli

pp. 126-128

The Making of the Australian Commonwealth, Bernhard Ringrose Wise
Reviewed by R. L. Schuyler

pp. 128-130

Public Opinion and Popular Government, A. Lawrence Lowell
Reviewed by E. M. Sait

pp. 130-132

The Municipalities of the Roman Empire, James S. Reid ; Roman Laws and Charters, E. G. Hardy
Reviewed by George Willis Botsford

pp. 132-134

English Local Government: The Story of the King's Highway, Sidney Webb and Beatrice Webb
Reviewed by Dixon Ryan Fox

pp. 135-138

William Pitt and the Great War, J. Holland Rose
Reviewed by Guy Stanton Ford

pp. 138-140

A History of Preston in Amounderness, H. W. Clemesha
Reviewed by J. T. Shotwell

pp. 140-141

The Evolution of States, An Introduction to English Politics, J. M. Robertson
Reviewed by J. T. Shotwell

pp. 141-145

Staffordshire Pottery and its History, Josiah C. Wedgwood
Reviewed by Annie G. Porritt

pp. 146-147

English Life and Manners in the Later Middle Ages, A. Abram
Reviewed by J. T. Shotwell

pp. 147-148

The Fall of Protection, Bernard Holland
Reviewed by H. R. Mussey

pp. 148-150

Vorlesungen uber Nationalokonomie, Knut Wicksell and Margarethe Langfeldt
Reviewed by Frank A. Fetter

pp. 151-152

Die Berufsvereine: Geschichtliche Entwickelung de Berufsorganizationen der Arbeitnehmer und Arbeitgeber aller Lander, W. Kulemann
Reviewed by Thomas C. Hall

pp. 152-154

The Trade of the World, James Davenport Whelpley ; Industrial and Commercial Geography, J. Russell Smith
Reviewed by Simon Litman

pp. 154-157

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