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Volume 24 - Number 2 - June 1909

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The Growth of Judicial Power
W. F. Dodd

pp. 193-207

Sectionalism in Pennsylvania During the Revolution
W. Roy Smith

pp. 208-235

Marxism Versus Socialism. III
Vladimir G. Simkhovitch

pp. 236-268

College Women and Race Suicide
Charles Franklin Emerick

pp. 269-283

A Recent Development in Political Theory
J. M. Mathews

pp. 284-295

Fisher's Rate of Interest
Thorstein Veblen

pp. 296-303

Record of Political Events
C. A. Beard, C. H. Hayes

pp. 343-376

The Struggle for American Independence, Sydney G. Fisher
Reviewed by H. L. Osgood

pp. 308-310

Verfassung und Verwaltung der Stadte: England, Frankreich, Nordamerika, Frank J. Goodnow, Delos F. Wilcox, F. W. Hirst and H. Berthélemy
Reviewed by William Bennett Munro

pp. 310-312

Problems of City Government, L. S. Rowe ; The Government of American Cities, Horace E. Deming ; The Government of European Cities, William B. Munro
Reviewed by F. J. Goodnow

pp. 312-316

Primary Elections, C. Edward Merriam
Reviewed by Charles A. Beard

pp. 316-317

Law: Its Origin, Growth and Function, James C. Carter
Reviewed by Roscoe Pound

pp. 317-320

Il Concetto della Natura e il Principio del Diritto, Giorgio del Vecchio
Reviewed by Roscoe Pound

pp. 321-323

Zur Lehre von den Bedurfnissen, Franz Čuhel
Reviewed by Henry Raymond Mussey

pp. 323-325

Accounts; Their Construction and Interpretation, William M. Cole ; Corporate Finance and Accounting, Harry C. Bentley

pp. 325-329

The Stannaries, George R. Lewis
Reviewed by George Unwin

pp. 329-331

American Charities, Amos G. Warner and Mary Roberts Coolidge
Reviewed by Lilian Brandt

pp. 332-333

Sixty Years of Protection in Canada (1846-1907), Edward Porritt
Reviewed by James Mavor

pp. 333-337

National and Social Problems, Frederic Harrison ; Christianity and the Social Crisis, Walter Rauschenbusch ; The Limit of Wealth, Alfred L. Hutchinson
Reviewed by Arthur Cleveland Hall

pp. 337-340

International Law and Diplomacy of the Spanish-American War, Elbert J. Benton
Reviewed by G. W. Scott

pp. 341-342

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