Content in

Volume 23 - Number 3 - September 1908

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The Chief Questions of Present American Politics
John W. Burgess

pp. 385-407

The Courts' View of Injunction in Labor Disputes
George Gorham Groat

pp. 408-439

The Needs of the Railroads
Logan G. McPherson

pp. 440-453

The Crisis and Panic of 1907
Joseph French Johnson

pp. 454-467

The British Socialist Labor Party
Edward Porritt

pp. 468-497

The Lex Curiata
George Willis Botsford

pp. 498-517

International Law: A Treatise, John Westlake
Reviewed by G. W. Scott

pp. 518-521

A Treatise on the Law of Naturalization of the United States, Frederick Van Dyne
Reviewed by Henry B. Armes

pp. 522-523

The Province of Burma, Alleyne Ireland
Reviewed by James A. LeRoy

pp. 523-526

Histoire de l'Expansion Coloniale des Peuples Europeens: Portugal et Espagne (Jusqu 'au Debut du xix Siecle), Charles de Lannoy and Herman van der Linden
Reviewed by William R. Shepherd

pp. 526-527

Modern Spain, 1815-1898, H. Butler Clarke
Reviewed by William R. Shepherd

pp. 527-529

The Cambridge Modern History; The Age of Louis XIV, G. W. Prothero, A. W. Ward and Stanley Leathes ; The Cambridge Modern History: The Restoration, G. W. Prothero, A. W. Ward and Stanley Leathes
Reviewed by J. T. Shotwell

pp. 529-531

Enterprise and the Productive Process, Frederick Barnard Hawley ; Production: A Study in Economics, P. H. Castberg
Reviewed by Alvin S. Johnson

pp. 532-536

Money and Credit Instruments in their Relation to General Prices, E. W. Kemmerer ; Some Chapters on Money, F. M. Taylor
Reviewed by Joseph French Johnson

pp. 536-542

Wage Earners' Budgets, Franklin H. Giddings and Louise Bolard More
Reviewed by John R. Commons

pp. 542-546

A Living Wage, Richard T. Ely and John A. Ryan
Reviewed by Charles P. Neill

pp. 546-547

Die Volkswirtschaftliche Bedeutung der Technischen Entwickelung der Deutschen Zuckerindustrie, Theodore Schuchart
Reviewed by Paul L. Vogt

pp. 548-551

The Polish Jew. His Social and Economic Value, Beatrice C. Baskerville
Reviewed by Isaac A. Hourwich

pp. 551-553

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