Content in

Volume 2 - Number 3 - September 1887

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Railway Tariffs and the Interstate Commerce Law. II

pp. 369-413

Ferdinand Lassalle
Lewis J. Huff

pp. 414-439

England and the Colonies
Herbert L. Osgood

pp. 440-469

The Cause of Secession
Anson D. Morse

pp. 470-493

State Control of Industry in the Fourth Century

pp. 494-513

Geschichte, Theorie und Technik der Statistik, August Meitzen
Reviewed by Richmond M. Smith

pp. 514-518

Les Salaires au XIX Siecle, Émile Chevallier
Reviewed by Edward W. Bemis

pp. 518-520

Die Grundlagen der Karl Marx'schen Kritik der Bestehenden Volkswirthschaft, Georg Adler
Reviewed by H. L. Osgood

pp. 523-524

The Theory of International Trade with some of its Applications to Economic Policy, C. Francis Bastable
Reviewed by John B. Clark

pp. 524-526

Die Abgaben, Auflagen und die Steuer, vom Standpunkte der Geschichte und der Sittlichkeit, Wilhelm Vocke ; L'Impot sur le Revenu: Rapport fait au nom de la Commission du Budget, Yves Guyot

pp. 526-529

Lehrbuch der Nationalokonomie, Lorenz von Stein
Reviewed by H. L. Osgood

pp. 529-530

American Statesmen. The Life of Henry Clay, Carl Schurz
Reviewed by Anson D. Morse

pp. 530-533

American Commonwealths. Connecticut, Alexander Johnston
Reviewed by Paul Leicester Ford

pp. 534-535

The American Electoral System, Charles A. O'Neil

pp. 535-537

The Fishery Question: its Origin, History and Present Situation, Charles Isham ; The Fisheries Dispute: A Suggestion for its Adjustment, John Jay
Reviewed by Thomas D. Rambaut

pp. 537-540

Elements of Right and of the Law, George H. Smith ; The Science of Law, according to the American Theory of Government, E. L. Campbell
Reviewed by Munroe Smith

pp. 540-544

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