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Volume 19 - Number 4 - December 1904

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Present Problems of Constitutional Law
John W. Burgess

pp. 545-578

Parliamentary Obstruction
Georg Jellinek

pp. 579-588

The Attitude of American Courts Towards Restrictive Labor Laws
Henry R. Seager

pp. 589-611

The Finances of the Texas Revolution
Eugene C. Barker

pp. 612-635

A Gold Standard for the Straits Settlements
E. W. Kemmerer

pp. 636-649

Trial by Jury in Germany
Burt Estes Howard

pp. 650-672

Municipal Corruption
Henry Jones Ford

pp. 673-686

Record of Political Events
J. W. Garner

pp. 717-748

The Police Power: Public Policy and Constitutional Rights, Ernest Freund
Reviewed by Walter Wheeler Cook

pp. 687-690

History of the United States of America, Henry William Elson
Reviewed by Carl Becker

pp. 692-695

The Opening of the Mississippi, Frederic Austin Ogg
Reviewed by William R. Shepherd

pp. 695-696

The Place of Compensation in Temperance Reform, C. P. Sanger ; The Case for Municipal Drink, Edward R. Pease
Reviewed by Charles A. Beard

pp. 697-699

The Return to Protection, William Smart ; Fifty Years of Progress and the New Fiscal Policy, Lord Brassey ; Protection in Germany, W. Harbutt Dawson ; Protection in Canada and Australasia, C. H. Chomley ; Protection in the United States, Maurice Low ; Die Eisenbahntarife in ihren Beziehungen zur Handelspolitik, Ernst Seidler and Alexander Freud
Reviewed by Alvin S. Johnson

pp. 704-708

Methods of Industrial Peace, Nicholas P. Gilman
Reviewed by E. L. Bogart

pp. 708-709

Der Lubecker Schoss bis zur Reformationszeit, J. Hartwig
Reviewed by Carl C. Plehn

pp. 713-715

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