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Volume 16 - Number 3 - September 1901

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John Marshall
J. B. Moore

pp. 393-411

Expansion after the Civil War, 1865-71
Theodore Clarke Smith

pp. 412-436

Responsibility in County Government
Samuel E. Sparling

pp. 437-449

The Decline in English Liberalism
William Clarke

pp. 450-462

Note: The Decline in English Liberalism

p. 462

Monopolies and the Law
John B. Clark

pp. 463-475

The Principles of Economic Geography
Lindley M. Keasbey

pp. 476-485

The Decisions of the Supreme Court in the Insular Cases
John W. Burgess

pp. 486-504

Historical Jurisprudence, Guy Carleton Lee
Reviewed by Munroe Smith

pp. 505-511

Lois et Usages de la Neutralite d'apres le Droit International Conventionnel et Coutumier des etats Civilises, Richard Kleen
Reviewed by J. B. Moore

pp. 511-512

Government in Switzerland, John Martin Vincent
Reviewed by James Breck Perkins

pp. 512-515

The Origin of the Republican Form of Government in the United States of America, Emile de Laveleye and Oscar S. Straus

pp. 515-517

The Law and Policy of Annexation--with Special Reference to the Philippines, together with Observations on the Status of Cuba, Carman F. Randolph
Reviewed by Walter Wheeler Cook

pp. 517-520

Reflections on the Origin and Destiny of Imperial Britain, J. A. Cramb

pp. 520-522

Great Britain and Hanover, Adolphus William Ward
Reviewed by J. B. Moore

pp. 523-524

Annals of Politics and Culture (1492-1899), G. P. Gooch
Reviewed by J. T. Shotwell

pp. 524-525

An Introduction to English Politics, James M. Robertson

pp. 525-527

North American Forests and Forestry, Ernest Bruncken
Reviewed by H. S. Graves

pp. 527-528

Railway Operations, J. Shirley Eaton
Reviewed by William Z. Ripley

pp. 528-529

A History of the Latin Monetary Union, Henry Parker Willis
Reviewed by A. Piatt Andrew

pp. 530-534

Slavery as an Industrial System, H. J. Nieboer

pp. 534-538

L'Industrie dans la Grece Ancienne, Henri Francotte

pp. 538-540

Histoire Industrielle et Economique de l'Angleterre depuis les Origines jusqu'a nos jours, Georges Bry
Reviewed by W. J. Ashley

pp. 540-541

The American Workman, E. Levasseur, Thomas S. Adams and Theodore Marburg
Reviewed by Fred S. Hall

pp. 541-543

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