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Volume 137 - Number 4 - Winter 2022-23

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The Polarized American Electorate: The Rise of Partisan-Ideological Consistency and Its Consequences
Alan I. Abramowitz presents evidence from American National Election Studies surveys showing that party identification, ideological identification and issue positions have become much more closely connected over the past half century. He argues that as a result, the ideological divide between Democratic and Republican identifiers has widened considerably. The rise of partisan-ideological consistency has contributed to growing affective polarization as well as increasing party loyalty and straight ticket voting.

pp. 645-674

Hungary’s Slide toward Autocracy: Domestic and External Impediments to Locking In Democratic Reforms
DAVID G. HAGLUND, JENNIE L. SCHULZE, AND Ognen Vangelov trace the remarkable trajectory of post-Communist Hungary over the past three decades, when the onetime “poster country” for successful liberalization in the erstwhile Soviet bloc managed to turn into the leading champion of illiberalism in the entire European Union (EU). They argue that a combination of internal and exogenous factors vitiated the earlier promise of EU “conditionality” to bring about Hungary’s transition to a stable liberal democracy. They are grateful for suggestions made by anonymous reviewers of earlier drafts of this article, as well as by Professor Zsuzsa Csergö, of Queen’s University. 

pp. 675-713

Gender, American Identity, and Sexism
John Graeber and Mark Setzler explore the extent to which men and women differ in their views of American national identity and how these views of “Americanness” influence a person’s sexist beliefs. They find few differences between men and women regarding what it means to truly belong to the nation and that the relationship between national identify and sexism is no stronger for men than it is for women. 

pp. 715-740

U.S. Public Knowledge about the Holocaust Then and Now
Susan Welch and Emily Kiver analyze political and sociological ramifications of the Holocaust and its change over time. They challenge the view that knowledge of the Holocaust within the American public is declining, finding that knowledge has remained relatively steady, and that the Holocaust continues to feature prominently within the American public’s consciousness. 

pp. 741-764

Barbara Walter’s Script for Civil War in America: A Review Essay
Jack Snyder reviews Barbara Walter’s How Civil Wars Start and How to Stop Them. Walter argues that modern civil wars take the form of guerrilla warfare and organized terrorism. They are started mainly by declining ethnic groups in polarized partial democracies. Her contention that the contemporary United States is heading in this direction has a surface plausibility, but requires strong qualifications.

pp. 765-771

Negotiating Unilateralism in the Executive Branch: A Review Essay
Diane J. Heith reviews By Executive Order: Bureaucratic Management and the Limits of Presidential Power by Andrew Rudalevige. She finds that Rudalevige’s exhaustive dive into newly discovered archival documents presents opportunities for revisioning executive order formation, from its traditional top-down formulation. However, she questions the time bound nature of the conclusions drawn for influencing unilateral behavior in a polarized environment.

pp. 773-778

Power Shifts: Congress and Presidential Representation, John A. Dearborn
Reviewed by Jeffrey Crouch

pp. 779-780

American Political Thought: An Invitation, Ken Kersch
Reviewed by Loren Goldman

pp. 780-782

North Korea and the Geopolitics of Development, Kevin Gray and Jong-Woon Lee
Reviewed by Axel Patrick Catellier

pp. 782-783

Authoritarian Police in Democracy: Contested Security in Latin America, Yanilda María González
Reviewed by Krystin Krause

pp. 783-785

On Dangerous Ground: A Theory of Bargaining, Border Settlement, and Rivalry, Toby J. Rider and Andrew P. Owsiak
Reviewed by Megan A. Stewart

pp. 785-787

Beyond Bias: Conservative Media, Documentary Form, and the Politics of Hysteria, Scott Krzych
Reviewed by Geoffrey Baym

pp. 787-788

True Blues: The Contentious Transformation of the Democratic Party, Adam Hilton
Reviewed by David C. Barker

pp. 788-790

Labor in the Age of Finance: Pensions, Politics, and Corporations from Deindustrialization to Dodd-Frank, Sanford M. Jacoby
Reviewed by Max Fraser

pp. 790-792

Citizenship in the American Republic, Brian L. Fife
Reviewed by Robin A. Harper

pp. 792-793

Gerrymandering the States: Partisanship, Race, and the Transformation of American Federalism, Anthony J. McGann, Charles Anthony Smith, Michael Latner and Alex Keena
Reviewed by Sara Sadhwani

pp. 793-795

Elite-Led Mobilization and Gay Rights: Dispelling the Myth of Mass Opinion Backlash, Charles Anthony Smith, Benjamin George Bishin, Thomas J. Hayes and Matthew B. Incantalupo
Reviewed by Shawn Ratcliff

pp. 795-796

Pack the Court! A Defense of Supreme Court Expansion, Stephen M. Feldman
Reviewed by Kevin J. McMahon

pp. 797-798

Thirteen Cracks: Repairing American Democracy after Trump, Allan J. Lichtman
Reviewed by Steven Michels

pp. 798-800

A Troubled Birth: The 1930s and American Public Opinion, Susan Herbst
Reviewed by Emily Van Duyn

pp. 800-801

The Roots of Violent Crime in America: From the Gilded Age through the Great Depression, Barry Latzer
Reviewed by Lisa L. Miller

pp. 801-803

Prisons and Crime in Latin America, Marcelo Bergman and Gustavo Fondevila
Reviewed by Eduardo Moncada

pp. 803-805

The Israeli Settler Movement: Assessing and Explaining Social Movement Success, Sivan Hirsch-Hoefler and Cas Mudde
Reviewed by Ronnie Olesker

pp. 805-806

Why We Lost the Sex Wars: Sexual Freedom in the #MeToo Era, Lorna Bracewell
Reviewed by Shauna Shames

pp. 806-808

Making the World Over: Confronting Racism, Misogyny, and Xenophobia in U.S. History, R. Marie Griffith
Reviewed by Tabitha Bonilla

pp. 808-809

No Longer Outsiders: Black and Latino Interest Group Advocacy on Capitol Hill, Michael D. Minta
Reviewed by Jennifer R. Garcia

pp. 809-811

Firepower: How the NRA Turned Gun Owners into a Political Force, Matthew J. Lacombe
Reviewed by Leslie K. Finger

pp. 811-812

The Language of Political Incorporation: Chinese Migrants in Europe, Amy Liu
Reviewed by Huei-Ying Kuo

pp. 812-814

China and the International Human Rights Regime 1982–2017, Rana Siu Inboden
Reviewed by Margaret K. Lewis

pp. 814-815

Workers and Change in China: Resistance, Repression, Responsiveness, Manfred Elfstrom
Reviewed by Hsu Yumin Wang

pp. 815-817

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