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Volume 126 - Number 3 - Fall 2011

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The Future of Islam and U.S.–Muslim Relations
John L. Esposito analyzes the future of Islam and Muslim–West relations. He argues that the mindset among policymakers and the narrative in U.S.–Muslim world relations is shifting away from a policy of “democratic exceptionalism” and support for authoritarian regimes. Now the United States is committed to democratic institution-building and civil society and is responsive to the aspirations and expectations of their peoples, political parties (Islamist and secular), and civil society organizations.

pp. 365-401

Illicit Globalization: Myths, Misconceptions, and Historical Lessons
Peter Andreas challenges common myths and misconceptions about the illicit side of globalization and emphasizes the ways in which states shape and even exploit the illicit global economy. He argues that illicit globalization is not new, and its relationship to the state is not only antagonistic but also in some respects mutually profitable.

pp. 406-425

The Costs and Benefits of Immigration
Darrell M. West seeks to reframe the public debate over immigration policy by arguing that the benefits of immigration are much broader than popularly imagined and the costs more confined. He contends that in spite of legitimate fear and anxiety over illegal immigration, immigrants bring a “brain gain” of innovation and creativity that outweighs real or imagined costs.

pp. 427-443

Discrepancies in Perceptions of Corruption, or Why Is Canada So Corrupt?
MICHAEL M. ATKINSON demonstrates that public opinion polling has established a clear gap between what Canadians expect and what they believe they are receiving in terms of ethical conduct from their leaders. The author claims that this major discrepancy has its roots in the ways in which elites and the public employ the concept of corruption.

pp. 445-464

Dysfunctional Doctrines? Eisenhower, Carter and U.S. Military Intervention in the Middle East
JEFFREY H. MICHAELS examines several of the analytical and practical problems of U.S. presidential foreign policy doctrines by looking specifically at the Eisenhower and Carter doctrines. He concludes that presidential doctrines are usually overrated as new statements of principle, and that the elevation of a presidential statement into doctrine can have unintended consequences.

pp. 465-492

What Happened to Obama? An Opinion Piece
DREW WESTEN analyses the leadership style of President Barack Obama. He argues that the President’s aversion to conflict and his failure to understand “bully” dynamics led him to miss a historic opportunity to change the dynamics of a political and economic system dominated by corruption and inequality not seen since the eve of the Great Depression. This is an article of opinion and the Editors welcome submissions from those with a different point of view.

pp. 493-499

Empire for Liberty: A History of American Imperialism from Benjamin Franklin to Paul Wolfowitz, Richard H. Immerman
Reviewed by Barak Mendelsohn

pp. 504-505

The End of Arrogance: America in the Global Competition of Ideas, Bruce W. Jentleson and Steven Weber
Reviewed by Michael H. Hunt

pp. 505-507

The Obama Victory: How Media, Money, and Message Shaped the 2008 Election, Kathleen Hall Jamieson, Kate Kenski and Bruce W. Hardy
Reviewed by Paul R. Abramson

pp. 507-508

Health Care Reform and American Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know, Theda Skocpol and Lawrence R. Jacobs
Reviewed by Shanna Rose

pp. 509-510

Constituency Representation in Congress: The View from Capitol Hill, Kristina C. Miler
Reviewed by David R. Mayhew

pp. 510-511

East Asia Before the West: Five Centuries of Trade and Tribute, David C. Kang
Reviewed by Morris Rossabi

pp. 511-512

Tales from the Sausage Factory: Making Laws in New York State, Gerald Benjamin and Daniel L. Feldman
Reviewed by Steven Cohen

pp. 512-514

The Two Faces of American Freedom, Aziz Rana
Reviewed by Stefan Heumann

pp. 514-515

Globalization and the National Security State, Norrin M. Ripsman and T.V. Paul
Reviewed by Patrick J. McDonald

pp. 515-517

Irrational Security: The Politics of Defense from Reagan to Obama, Daniel Wirls
Reviewed by Philip A. Schrodt

pp. 517-518

Rethinking World Politics: A Theory of Transnational Neopluralism, Philip G. Cerny
Reviewed by Jaekwon Suh

pp. 518-520

The Politics of Medicaid, Laura Katz Olson
Reviewed by Mary Ruggie

pp. 520-521

The Constitutional Origins of the American Revolution, Jack P. Greene
Reviewed by Gregory A. McBrayer

pp. 521-522

The Promise of Preschool: From Head Start to Universal Pre-Kindergarten, Elizabeth Rose
Reviewed by Doug Imig

pp. 523-524

What's Going On? Political Incorporation and the Transformation of Black Public Opinion, Katherine Tate
Reviewed by David C. Wilson

pp. 524-525

Redistricting: The Most Political Activity in America, Charles S Bullock III
Reviewed by Jason P. Kelly

pp. 525-526

The Women's Movement Inside and Outside the State, Lee Ann Banaszak
Reviewed by David S. Meyer

pp. 527-528

The Language of Law and the Foundations of American Constitutionalism, Gary L. McDowell
Reviewed by Dennis J. Goldford

pp. 528-529

The Price of Progressive Politics: The Welfare Rights Movement in an Era of Colorblind Racism, Rose Ernst
Reviewed by Catherine M. Paden

pp. 529-531

Emerald Cities: Urban Sustainability and Economic Development, Joan Fitzgerald
Reviewed by Richard Dilworth

pp. 531-532

Activists in City Hall: The Progressive Response to the Reagan Era in Boston and Chicago, Pierre Clavel
Reviewed by Larry Bennett

pp. 532-534

A Political Philosophy in Public Life: Civic Republicanism in Zapatero's Spain, José Luis Martí and Philip Pettit
Reviewed by Omar G. Encarnación

pp. 534-535

Latin America's Cold War, Hal Brands
Reviewed by Richard Feinberg

pp. 535-537

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the New American Politics, Ronald M. Peters, Jr. and Cindy Simon Rosenthal
Reviewed by Douglas B. Harris

pp. 537-538

Dismantling Democracy in Venezuela: The Chávez Authoritarian Experiment, Allan R. Brewer-Carias
Reviewed by David Mares

pp. 538-539

The American Presidency: An Analytical Approach, Irwin L. Morris
Reviewed by Sean Gailmard

pp. 540-541

The Right Kind of Revolution: Modernization, Development, and U.S. Foreign Policy from the Cold War to the Present, Michael E. Latham
Reviewed by Keith L. Shimko

pp. 541-542

War, the American State, and Politics since 1898, Robert P. Saldin
Reviewed by Sean Kay

pp. 542-544

The Nationalization of American Political Parties, 1880–1896, Daniel Klinghard
Reviewed by Cedric de Leon

pp. 544-545

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