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Volume 122 - Number 4 - Winter 2007-08

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‘‘The Civilization of Clashes’’: Misapplying the Democratic Peace in the Middle East
Piki Ish-Shalom traces the process by which leading neoconservatives endorsed the structural theories of democratic peace, generating a grand strategy of forceful democracy promotion. He analyses the reasons for this endorsement and its impact on American foreign policy. He then goes on to explore some internal incoherencies in this neoconservative grand strategy.

pp. 533-554

From the ‘‘Red Juggernaut’’ to Iraqi WMD: Threat Inflation and How It Succeeds in the United States
Jeffrey M. Cavanaugh analyzes the process of ‘‘threat inflation’’ in the United States by examining three positive cases and one negative case of threat inflation since 1945. He concludes that successful threat inflation and hawkish policies stem from the interaction of several factors.

pp. 555-584

Two Faces of Intelligence Failure: September 11 and Iraq’s Missing WMD
Richard K. Betts compares the causes of the two biggest U.S. intelligence failures of recent times. In one case, warning was insufficient; in the other, excessive. In one case, the obstacles to success were less carelessness in professionals’ performance than inherent limitations in the warning function. In the other, error came from intelligence trying to be useful more than being strictly accurate.

pp. 585-606

Credibility and the War on Terror
Christopher J. Fettweis examines the importance of ‘‘credibility’’ in the U.S. war on terrorism. He challenges the conventional wisdom that a healthy reputation for resolve keeps a country safer or helps it pursue its goals. He argues that the credibility of the United States—or lack thereof—will not prove to be decisive in the fight against extremism.

pp. 607-633

Interest Groups, Lobbying, and Deception: The Tobacco Industry and Airline Smoking
Peggy Lopipero, Dorie E. Apollonio, and Lisa A. Bero discuss the efforts of the tobacco industry to prevent the passage of airline smoking restrictions. They find that interest groups and lobbyists do not necessarily feel obligated to provide accurate information and that competing interest groups may not be able to prevent this misrepresentation.

pp. 635-656

Presidential Secrecy and the Law, Robert M. Pallitto and William G. Weaver
Reviewed by John M. Ackerman

pp. 657-658

Second Chance: Three Presidents and the Crisis of American Superpower, Zbigniew Brzezinski
Reviewed by Steven R. David

pp. 658-660

Sharpening Strategic Intelligence: Why the CIA Gets it Wrong and What Needs to Be Done to Get it Right, Richard L. Russell
Reviewed by AMY B. ZEGART

pp. 660-661

Regime Change: U.S. Strategy through the Prism of 9/11, Robert S. Litwak
Reviewed by Patrick M. Morgan

pp. 661-663

Our Undemocratic Constitution: Where the Constitution Goes Wrong (and How We the People Can Correct It), Sanford Levinson
Reviewed by Michael C. Dorf

pp. 663-664

Strategic Selection: Presidential Nomination of Supreme Court Justices from Herbert Hoover Through George W. Bush, Christine L. Nemacheck
Reviewed by Lee Epstein

pp. 664-665

Striking First: Preemptive and Preventive Attack in U.S. National Security Policy, Karl P. Mueller, Jasen J. Castillo, Forrest E. Morgan, Negeen Pegahi and Brian Rosen
Reviewed by Ronald R. Krebs

pp. 666-667

Democracy and Authoritarianism in the Arab World, Nicola Christine Pratt
Reviewed by Clovis Maksoud

pp. 667-669

The Order of Genocide: Race, Power, and War in Rwanda, Scott Straus
Reviewed by Barbara Harff

pp. 669-670

Democracy in Europe: The EU and National Polities, Vivien A. Schmidt
Reviewed by James A. Caporaso

pp. 670-672

Poor America: A Comparative-Historical Study of Poverty in the U.S. and Western Europe, Samuel J. Eldersveld
Reviewed by Greg M. Shaw

pp. 672-673

Misfortunes of War: Press and Public Reactions to Civilian Deaths in Wartime, Eric V. Larson and Bogdan Savych
Reviewed by Brigitte L. Nacos

pp. 673-674

Americans in Waiting: The Lost Story of Immigration and Citizenship in the United States, Hiroshi Motomura
Reviewed by Peter H. Schuck

pp. 674-676

Black Feminist Voices in Politics, Evelyn M. Simien
Reviewed by Katherine Tate

pp. 676-677

Changing White Attitudes toward Black Political Leadership, Zoltan L. Hajnal
Reviewed by Yvette M. Alex-Assensoh

pp. 677-679

Republicans and the Black Vote, Michael K. Fauntroy
Reviewed by Keith Reeves

pp. 679-681

Democratic Laboratories: Policy Diffusion among the American States, Andrew Karch
Reviewed by Donald P. Haider-Markel

pp. 681-682

Dewey’s Dream: Universities and Democracies in an Age of Education Reform, Lee Benson, John L. Puckett and Ira Harkavy
Reviewed by Robert McClintock

pp. 682-683

Diverse Communities: The Problem With Social Capital, Barbara Arneil
Reviewed by Scott McLean

pp. 683-685

Democratic Accountability: Why Choice in Politics Is Both Possible and Necessary, Leif Lewin
Reviewed by G. Bingham Powell, Jr.

pp. 685-686

The End of Government As We Know It: Making Public Policy Work, Elaine Ciulla Kamarck
Reviewed by Steven Cohen

pp. 686-688

The Rehnquist Court: Understanding Its Impact and Legacy, David L. Hudson, Jr.
Reviewed by Jonathan R. Siegel

pp. 688-689

Boris Yeltsin and Russia’s Democratic Transformation, Herbert J. Ellison
Reviewed by Richard D. Anderson, Jr.

pp. 689-690

Divide and Pacify: Strategic Social Policies and Political Protests in Post-Communist Democracies, Pieter Vanhuysse
Reviewed by Gerald M. Easter

pp. 690-692

Russia and Postmodern Deterrence: Military Power and Its Challenges for Security, Stephen J. Cimbala and Peter Jacob Rainow
Reviewed by Pavel Podvig

pp. 692-693

Contesting the Saudi State: Islamic Voices from a New Generation, Madawi al-Rasheed
Reviewed by Toby Jones

pp. 694-695

The Atomic Bazaar: The Rise of the Nuclear Poor, William Langewiesche
Reviewed by Ronnie D. Lipschutz

pp. 695-697

Bounding Power: Republican Security Theory from the Polis to the Global Village, Daniel H. Deudney
Reviewed by Anastasia Xenias

pp. 697-699

UN Peacekeeping: Myth and Reality, Andrzej Sitkowski ; Council Unbound: The Growth of UN Decision Making on Conflict and Postconflict Issues after the Cold War, Michael J. Matheson
Reviewed by Alexander Thompson

pp. 699-702

Dangerous Deterrent: Nuclear Weapons Proliferation and Conflict in South Asia, S. Paul Kapur
Reviewed by Philipp C. Bleek

pp. 702-703

Ethnicity and Electoral Politics, Jóhanna Kristín Birnir
Reviewed by Erik Bleich

pp. 703-705

Full Disclosure: The Perils and Promise of Transparency, Archon Fung, Mary Graham and David Weil
Reviewed by Jay P. Shimshack

pp. 705-706

Hard Power: The New Politics of National Security, Kurt Campbell and Michael O’Hanlon
Reviewed by Cynthia Roberts

pp. 706-708

Local Democracy Under Siege: Activism, Public Interests, and Private Politics, Dorothy Holland, Donald M. Nonini, Catherine Lutz, Lesley Bartlett, Marla Frederick-McGlathery, Thaddeus C. Gulbrandsen and Enrique G. Murillo, Jr.
Reviewed by Charles Barrilleaux

pp. 708-709

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