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Volume 13 - Number 1 - March 1898

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The Constitutional Referendum in California
Samuel E. Moffett

pp. 1-18

The Early History of the United States Consular Service. 1776-1792
Emory R. Johnson

pp. 19-40

The American Revolution
Herbert L. Osgood

pp. 41-59

The Adoption of Gold Monometallism by Japan
J. Soyeda

pp. 60-90

Capitalism on Trial in Russia
N. I. Stone

pp. 91-118

Discount Rates in the United States
R. M. Breckenridge

pp. 119-142

Meitzen's Siedelung und Agrarwesen der Germanen
W. J. Ashley

pp. 143-155

The Chances of Death and Other Studies in Evolution, Karl Pearson
Reviewed by Franklin H. Giddings

pp. 156-161

Statistik und Gesellschaftslehre, George von Mayr
Reviewed by Richmond Mayo-Smith

pp. 161-163

Wesen und Zweck der Politik, als Theil der Sociologie und Grundlage der Staatswissenschaften, Gustav Ratzenhofer
Reviewed by John Franklin Crowell

pp. 163-164

L'Enseignement Primaire dans les Pays Civilises, E. Levasseur
Reviewed by Richmond Mayo-Smith

pp. 164-165

Arbeit und Rhythmus, Karl Buecher

pp. 166-168

Neue Beitrage zur Frage der Arbeitslosen-Versicherung, Georg Schanz
Reviewed by John Graham Brooks

pp. 168-170

The Street Railway System of Philadelphia: its History and Present Condition, Frederic W. Speirs ; The Street Railway Problem in Cleveland: a Statement of Existing Conditions; and a Discussion of the Policy which the City should Pursue with regard to its Street Railways, William Rowland Hopkins ; The City of Cleveland in Relation to the Street Railway Question, Frederic C. Howe ; Extracts from the Eighteenth Annual Report of the Missouri Bureau of Labor Statistics, Relating to Street Railway Franchises, Lee Meriwether
Reviewed by Max West

pp. 171-174

L'Imposta Progressiva, Indagini di Storia e d'Economia Della Finanza, E. Masè-Dari
Reviewed by Carl C. Plehn

pp. 175-177

Die Wahrungsfrage in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika, Max Prager
Reviewed by F. W. Taussig

pp. 181-183

Money: A Study of the Fundamental Propositions of Economic Theory of the Classical School in Connection with the History of the Money Question, Alexander Miklashevsky
Reviewed by N. I. Stone

pp. 183-184

Histoire Financiere de l'Assemblee Constituante, Charles Gomel
Reviewed by James Harvey Robinson

pp. 185-186

Nullification and Secession in the United States, Edward Payson Powell

pp. 187-188

Nominations for Elective Office in the United States, Frederick W. Dallinger
Reviewed by F. J. Goodnow

pp. 188-190

Constitutional Studies, James Schouler ; This Country of Ours, Benjamin Harrison
Reviewed by John W. Burgess

p. 190

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