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Volume 104 - Number 2 - Summer 1989

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The Pentagon: The Case for Biennial Budgeting
Robert J. Art looks as the defense Department's experience with a biennial budget. He argues that biennial budgeting will produce better defense planning and program evaluation and will lead to a significant savings in defense spending.

pp. 193-214

The American Role in Revising Japan's Imperial Constitution
Charles L. Kades, from the perspective of a participant observer, tells the story of the drafting and enacting process after World War II of Japan's current constitution. He suggests that the constitution was not simply imposed but resulted from a joint enterprise of two former enemies working together.

pp. 215-247

The Government's Role In Building the Women's Movement
Georgia Duerst-Lahti discusses an underexplored aspect of the women's movement in the United States. She argues that governmental bodies played an instrumental role in the resurgence of the women's movement by providing resources critical for mass mobilization.

pp. 249-268

Reassessing the Soviet Crisis: Big Problems, Muddling Through, Business as Usual
Alexander J. Motyl argues that the view of the Soviet Union as being in an insuperable crisis suffers from the conceptual confusion surrounding the word "crisis." By distorting concepts, by projecting current trends into the future, and by overlooking the international context, many scholars and other commentators skew their understanding of Gorbachev's Soviet Union.

pp. 269-280

Causal Stories and the Formation of Policy Agendas
Deborah A. Stone builds a theory of problem definition to explain how social conditions are transformed into problems on a community's policy agenda. She shows how causal stories are central to this process and examines political strategies for manipulating the stories.

pp. 281-300

Strategic Thought in America, 1952-1966
Marc Trachtenberg examines how basic ideas on nuclear strategy took shape in the United States in the aftermath of the thermonuclear revolution. He explores the competing strategic theories that were pursued and tries to explain why it was that strategic thinking reached a kind of dead end by the late 1960s.

pp. 301-334

Correction: The ANZUS Dispute: Testing U.S. Extended Deterrence in Alliance Politics

p. 373

Danger and Survival: Choices about the Bomb in the First Fifty Years, McGeorge Bundy
Reviewed by Robert P. Beschel, Jr.

pp. 335-336

The Zero Option: INF, West Germany, and Arms Control, Thomas Risse-Kappen
Reviewed by Robert Jervis

pp. 336-337

Rendezvous with Reality: The American Economy After Reagan, Murray Weidenbaum
Reviewed by Alice M. Rivlin

pp. 338-339

The Post-modern Presidency: The Office After Ronald Reagan, Ryan J. Barilleaux
Reviewed by Gary Bryner

pp. 339-340

Business, Money, and the Rise of Corporate PACs in American Elections, Theodore J. Eismeier and Philip H. Pollock III
Reviewed by Frank J. Sorauf

pp. 340-341

New Federalism, Intergovernmental Reform from Nixon to Reagan, Timothy Conlan
Reviewed by Richard P. Nathan

pp. 342-343

Franklin D. Roosevelt's Rhetorical Presidency, Halford R. Ryan
Reviewed by Betty Houchin Winfield

pp. 343-345

The Republican Party in the US Senate 1974-1984: Party Change and Institutional Development, Christopher J. Bailey
Reviewed by Robert L. Peabody

pp. 345-346

Managing Uncertainty in the House of Representatives: Adaptation and Innovation in Special Rules, Stanley Bach and Steven S. Smith
Reviewed by Walter J. Oleszek

pp. 346-347

The Electronic Commonwealth: The Impact of New Media Technologies on Democratic Politics, F. Christopher Arterton, Jeffrey B. Abramson and Gary R. Orren
Reviewed by Michael X. Delli Carpin

pp. 348-349

Hard Judicial Choices: Federal District Court Judges and State and Local Officials, Phillip J. Cooper
Reviewed by Barbara A. Perry

pp. 349-350

National Security and the U.S. Constitution: The Impact of the Political System, George C. Edwards III and Wallace Earl Walker
Reviewed by Robert J. Art

pp. 350-351

John Paul Stevens and the Constitution: The Search for Balance, Robert Judd Sickels
Reviewed by C. Herman Pritchett

pp. 351-352

Before the Civil Rights Revolution: The Old Court and Individual Rights, John Braeman
Reviewed by John R. Schmidhauser

pp. 353-354

Bureaucratic Politics and Regulatory Reform: The EPA and Emissions Trading, Brian J. Cook
Reviewed by Frank J. Macchiarola

pp. 354-355

Sanctity vs. Sovereignty: The United States and the Nationalization of Natural Resource Investments, Kenneth A. Rodman
Reviewed by Lowell S. Gustafson

pp. 355-357

When Government goes Private: Successful Alternatives to Public Services, Randall Fitzgerald
Reviewed by Paul Starr

pp. 357-358

Managing Public Policy, Laurence E. Lynn, Jr.
Reviewed by Norman Uphoff

pp. 359-360

Continuity and Change in Electoral Politics, 1893-1928, Paul Kleppner
Reviewed by Kristi Andersen

pp. 360-361

The Politics of Education: Conflict and Consensus on Capitol Hill, John Brademas and Lynne P. Brown
Reviewed by Jerome T. Murphy

pp. 361-362

Joseph McCarthy: The Politics of Chaos, Mark Landis
Reviewed by Joyce Gelb

pp. 362-363

America Outside the World: The Collapse of U.S. Foreign Policy, Louis Rene Beres
Reviewed by Robert L. Beisner

pp. 364-365

Collusion Across the Jordan: King Abdullah, the Zionist Movement, and the Partition of Palestine, Avi Shlaim
Reviewed by William B. Quandt

pp. 365-366

The Japanese Way of Politics, Gerald L. Curtis
Reviewed by Steven R. Reed

pp. 366-367

States and Collective Action: The European Experience, Pierre Birnbaum
Reviewed by Jeremiah M. Riemer

pp. 367-369

Inside the Philippine Revolution: People's Army and Its Struggle for Power, William Chapman
Reviewed by Gareth Porter

pp. 369-370

Eastern Europe, Gorbachev and Reform: The Great Challenge, Karen Dawisha
Reviewed by Richard Davy

pp. 370-371

The Communist Party of China and Marxism, 1921-1985: A Self-Portrait, Laszlo Ladany
Reviewed by Edward Friedman

pp. 371-373

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