Danger and Survival: Choices about the Bomb in the First Fifty Years, McGeorge Bundy Reviewed by Robert P. Beschel, Jr.
pp. 335-336
The Zero Option: INF, West Germany, and Arms Control, Thomas Risse-Kappen Reviewed by Robert Jervis
pp. 336-337
Rendezvous with Reality: The American Economy After Reagan, Murray Weidenbaum Reviewed by Alice M. Rivlin
pp. 338-339
The Post-modern Presidency: The Office After Ronald Reagan, Ryan J. Barilleaux Reviewed by Gary Bryner
pp. 339-340
Business, Money, and the Rise of Corporate PACs in American Elections, Theodore J. Eismeier and Philip H. Pollock III Reviewed by Frank J. Sorauf
pp. 340-341
New Federalism, Intergovernmental Reform from Nixon to Reagan, Timothy Conlan Reviewed by Richard P. Nathan
pp. 342-343
Franklin D. Roosevelt's Rhetorical Presidency, Halford R. Ryan Reviewed by Betty Houchin Winfield
pp. 343-345
The Republican Party in the US Senate 1974-1984: Party Change and Institutional Development, Christopher J. Bailey Reviewed by Robert L. Peabody
pp. 345-346
Managing Uncertainty in the House of Representatives: Adaptation and Innovation in Special Rules, Stanley Bach and Steven S. Smith Reviewed by Walter J. Oleszek
pp. 346-347
The Electronic Commonwealth: The Impact of New Media Technologies on Democratic Politics, F. Christopher Arterton, Jeffrey B. Abramson and Gary R. Orren Reviewed by Michael X. Delli Carpin
pp. 348-349
Hard Judicial Choices: Federal District Court Judges and State and Local Officials, Phillip J. Cooper Reviewed by Barbara A. Perry
pp. 349-350
National Security and the U.S. Constitution: The Impact of the Political System, George C. Edwards III and Wallace Earl Walker Reviewed by Robert J. Art
pp. 350-351
John Paul Stevens and the Constitution: The Search for Balance, Robert Judd Sickels Reviewed by C. Herman Pritchett
pp. 351-352
Before the Civil Rights Revolution: The Old Court and Individual Rights, John Braeman Reviewed by John R. Schmidhauser
pp. 353-354
Bureaucratic Politics and Regulatory Reform: The EPA and Emissions Trading, Brian J. Cook Reviewed by Frank J. Macchiarola
pp. 354-355
Sanctity vs. Sovereignty: The United States and the Nationalization of Natural Resource Investments, Kenneth A. Rodman Reviewed by Lowell S. Gustafson
pp. 355-357
When Government goes Private: Successful Alternatives to Public Services, Randall Fitzgerald Reviewed by Paul Starr
pp. 357-358
Managing Public Policy, Laurence E. Lynn, Jr. Reviewed by Norman Uphoff
pp. 359-360
Continuity and Change in Electoral Politics, 1893-1928, Paul Kleppner Reviewed by Kristi Andersen
pp. 360-361
The Politics of Education: Conflict and Consensus on Capitol Hill, John Brademas and Lynne P. Brown Reviewed by Jerome T. Murphy
pp. 361-362
Joseph McCarthy: The Politics of Chaos, Mark Landis Reviewed by Joyce Gelb
pp. 362-363
America Outside the World: The Collapse of U.S. Foreign Policy, Louis Rene Beres Reviewed by Robert L. Beisner
pp. 364-365
Collusion Across the Jordan: King Abdullah, the Zionist Movement, and the Partition of Palestine, Avi Shlaim Reviewed by William B. Quandt
pp. 365-366
The Japanese Way of Politics, Gerald L. Curtis Reviewed by Steven R. Reed
pp. 366-367
States and Collective Action: The European Experience, Pierre Birnbaum Reviewed by Jeremiah M. Riemer
pp. 367-369
Inside the Philippine Revolution: People's Army and Its Struggle for Power, William Chapman Reviewed by Gareth Porter
pp. 369-370
Eastern Europe, Gorbachev and Reform: The Great Challenge, Karen Dawisha Reviewed by Richard Davy
pp. 370-371
The Communist Party of China and Marxism, 1921-1985: A Self-Portrait, Laszlo Ladany Reviewed by Edward Friedman
pp. 371-373