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Volume 95 - Number 3 - Fall 1980

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Sadat's Egypt and Teng's China: Revolution Versus Modernization
Raphael Israeli analyzes the processes of modernization and revolution, which he regards as displacing each other in a cyclical fashion in non-Western societies. He uses case studies of Sadat's Egypt and Teng's China to illustrate the theory and to argue that the transition from modernization to revolution and vice versa hinge upon certain types of leaders.

pp. 361-371

Majority Leadership in the House of Representatives
Sidney Waldman reviews the role of the majority-party leadership in the U.S. House of Representatives in light of the House reforms of the past decade. He contends that notwithstanding some new leadership powers and resources, House reforms on balance have contributed to member independence.

pp. 373-393

Presidential Management of Budgetary and Fiscal Policymaking
David C. Mowery, Mark S. Kamlet, AND John P. Crecine examine presidential management of three parallel executive branch budgetary policy processes-domestic budgeting, defense budgeting, and fiscal policy. After surveying the Eisenhower, Kennedy, and Johnson administrations, the authors offer recommendations on how a president can balance the competing demands of fiscal and budgetary policy planning.

pp. 395-425

American Reaction to Soviet Aircraft in Cuba, 1962 and 1978
Raymond L. Garthoff draws on his own experience in the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 to illuminate the understanding reached between the United States and the Soviet Union on aircraft as offensive weapons. He concludes that the introduction of new Soviet aircraft into Cuba in 1978 was not inconsistent with the 1962 understanding.

pp. 427-439

The Public Service in Zimbabwe
Michael Bratton describes the opportunities and constraints regarding public-service reform in Zimbabwe at the time of its political independence.

pp. 441-464

Social Targeting in Community Development
Paul R. Dommel looks at the distribution of program benefits among income groups over the first four years of the community development block grant program. He finds that benefits to lower-income groups increased as the program progressed but concludes that further large increases in benefits to the lower income groups are unlikely.

pp. 465-478

The New Regulation of Health and Safety
K. Robert Keiser contends that health and safety regulatory agencies are more likely to succumb to immobilization than to capture by industry. He concludes that when regulatory activism does take place, it is less the result of the professional commitment of the staff and more a response to political pressure from outside.

pp. 479-491

Setting National Priorities: Agenda for the 1980s, Joseph A. Pechman
Reviewed by James R. Storey

pp. 493-494

The Pulse of Politics: Electing Presidents in the Media Age, James David Barber
Reviewed by Richard M. Pious

pp. 494-496

The Road to the White House: The Politics of Presidential Elections, Stephen J. Wayne ; The Presidential Contest, Richard A. Watson
Reviewed by John F. Bibby

pp. 496-498

Regulatory Bureaucracy: The Federal Trade Commission and Antitrust Policy, Robert A. Katzmann
Reviewed by Ernest Gellhorn

pp. 498-499

The Future of Intellectuals and the Rise of the New Class, Alvin W. Gouldner
Reviewed by Everett Carll Ladd

pp. 499-500

Democracy and Welfare Economics, Hans van den Doel
Reviewed by Everett M. Ehrlich

pp. 500-501

A New Economic View of American History, Peter Passell and Susan Previant Lee
Reviewed by Naomi R. Lamoreaux

pp. 502-503

Class Structure and Income Determination, Erik Olin Wright
Reviewed by Bernard Barber

pp. 503-505

Financing the 1976 Election, Herbert E. Alexander
Reviewed by David Adamany

pp. 505-506

Urban Policy Making, Dale Rogers Marshall
Reviewed by Charles H. Levine

pp. 507-508

Hon. Politician: Mike Mansfield of Montana, Louis Baldwin
Reviewed by Robert L. Peabody

p. 509

The Clouded Lens: Persian Gulf Security and U.S. Policy, James H. Noyes
Reviewed by Zalmay Khalilzad

pp. 510-511

Eagle Entangled: U.S. Foreign Policy in a Complex World, Kenneth A. Oye, Donald Rothchild and Robert J. Lieber
Reviewed by Rodney W. Jones

pp. 511-512

The SALT Experience, Thomas W. Wolfe
Reviewed by Robert Jervis

pp. 512-513

Politics of Arms Control: The Role and Effectiveness of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, Duncan L. Clarke
Reviewed by Richard K. Betts

pp. 513-514

Time of Fear and Hope: The Making of the North Atlantic Treaty 1947-1949, Escott Reid
Reviewed by J. Garry Clifford

pp. 515-516

Rhetoric and Reality: Presidential Commissions and the Making of Public Policy, Terrence R. Tutchings
Reviewed by Larry Berman

pp. 516-517

Rockefeller Medicine Men: Medicine and Capitalism in America, E. Richard Brown
Reviewed by Howard S. Berliner

pp. 517-518

Unions in American National Politics, Graham K. Wilson
Reviewed by Harry Holloway

pp. 519-520

Judges and Justices: The Federal Appellate Judiciary, John R. Schmidhauser
Reviewed by Peter G. Fish

pp. 520-521

Food, Politics, and Agricultural Development: Case Studies in the Public Policy of Rural Modernization, Donald J. Puchala, Raymond F. Hopkins and Ross B. Talbot
Reviewed by Richard E. Stryker

pp. 521-522

Government Controlled Enterprises: International Strategic and Policy Decisions, Renato Mazzolini
Reviewed by Irvin M. Grossack

pp. 523-524

Pollution, Politics, and International Law: Tankers at Sea, Mark W. Zacher
Reviewed by M. J. Peterson

pp. 524-525

Ethics, Functionalism and Power in International Politics: The Crisis in Values, Kenneth W. Thompson
Reviewed by William V. O'Brien

pp. 526-527

The Logic of Party Democracy, Alan Ware
Reviewed by John Petrocik

pp. 527-528

The European Left: Italy, France, and Spain, William E. Griffith
Reviewed by John T. S. Keele

pp. 528-529

The Middle East in China's Foreign Policy 1949-1977, Yitzhak Shichor
Reviewed by Steven I. Levine

pp. 530-531

Japan and the United States: Challenges and Opportunities, William J. Barnds ; Strategy and Security in Northeast Asia, Richard B. Foster, James E. Dornan and William M. Carpenter
Reviewed by Akira Iriye

pp. 531-532

Chile at the Turning Point: Lessons of the Socialist Years, 1970-1973, Henry A. Landsberger, Federico G. Gil and John S. Gitlitz
Reviewed by Peter Goldberg

pp. 532-533

The Communist Parties of Eastern Europe, Stephen Fischer-Galati
Reviewed by Zvi Gitelman

pp. 533-535

Palestinian Society and Politics, Joel S. Migdal
Reviewed by Sylvia Kowitt Crosbie

pp. 535-536

Debt and the Less Developed Countries, Jonathan David Aronson
Reviewed by William R. Cline

pp. 536-537

Political Manipulation and Administrative Power: A Comparative Study, Eva Etzioni-Halevy
Reviewed by Carolyn Teich Adams

pp. 537-538

Political Action: Mass Participation in Five Western Democracies, Samuel H. Barnes and Max Kaase
Reviewed by Roberta S. Sigel

pp. 539-541

Who Benefits from Government Expenditures? A Case Study of Colombia, Marcelo Selowsky
Reviewed by Dale Rogers Marshall

pp. 541-542

Socialism, Politics, and Equality: Hierarchy and Change in Eastern Europe and the USSR, Walter D. Connor
Reviewed by Paul S. Shoup

pp. 542-543

Change in Public Bureaucracies, Marshall W. Meyer
Reviewed by Richard W. Campbell

pp. 544-545

Soviet Naval Diplomacy, Bradford Dismukes and James M. McConnell
Reviewed by Dov S. Zakheim

pp. 546-547

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