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Volume 94 - Number 4 - Winter 1979-80

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Eisenhower as an Activist President: A Look at New Evidence
Fred I. Greenstein, in an analysis based on recently opened archives, takes sharp issue with the conventional view of Dwight Eisenhower as a passive, unskilled president. According to Greenstein, Eisenhower was an active president who succeeded, albeit much of the time covertly, in putting his personal stamp on public policy.  

It was in this article that the late Fred Greenstein first developed the idea of what he later called Eisenhower’s “hidden hand presidency.” 

pp. 575-599

Backward Mapping: Implementation Research and Policy Decisions
Richard F. Elmore describes an approach to designing policy implementation that takes as its point of departure the ultimate outcome of the policy and then "maps backward" to establish what intervening steps are necessary to bring it about. He argues that "backward mapping" is a superior strategy to "forward mapping," which begins planing implementation from the top down.

pp. 601-616

Why Nuclear Superiority Doesn't Matter
Robert Jervis examines the current debate over the capability of American nuclear weapons. He argues that the implicit assumption behind the call for adding warheads to develop a strategy of "flexible response" including a counterforce capability is wrong. Jervis concludes that the real issue is not the number of warheads to be developed but the resolve and willingness to use them.

pp. 617-633

Generational Differences and the Women's Movement
Roberta S. Sigel and John V. Reynolds examine the dispositions of sets of similarly educated mothers and daughters toward the contemporary women's movement. The authors find that generational differences matter less on legal and economic objectives for women and more on social, cultural, and sexual questions.

pp. 635-648

House Turnover and the Principle of Rotation
Robert Struble, JR. analyzes the nineteenth-century principle of rotation in office as manifested in incumbent withdrawals from the House of Representatives and in electoral defeats. He finds that the waning of that principle was produced by the professionalization of Congress.

pp. 649-667

The Coming of the Third World War: A Review Essay
Kenneth W. Thompson critically reviews General Sir John Hackett's novel, The Third World War. Though a fictional account of the origins and outbreak in 1985 of a nuclear World War III, the book is based on projections from current military assessments. According to Thompson, the book's weakness in foreign-policy analysis results from its overestimation of military factors to the neglect of the intangibles of politics and diplomacy and from its failure to perceive revolutionary nationalist forces.

pp. 669-677

The Irony of Vietnam: The System Worked, Richard K. Betts and Leslie H. Gelb
Reviewed by Walter LaFeber

pp. 679-680

The Swine Flu Affair: Decision-Making on a Slippery Disease, Richard E. Neustadt and Harvey V. Fineberg
Reviewed by Robert D. Behn

pp. 680-681

Choices and Echoes in Presidential Elections: Rational Man and Electoral Democracy, Benjamin I. Page
Reviewed by Milton C. Cummings

pp. 681-683

American Politics and Public Policy, Walter Dean Burnham and Martha Wagner Weinberg
Reviewed by Herman M. Somers

pp. 684-685

The Last Half-Century: Societal Change and Politics in America, Morris Janowitz
Reviewed by Robert A. Divine

pp. 685-686

The Nature of Mass Poverty, John Kenneth Galbraith
Reviewed by E. Hazel Denton

pp. 687-688

Yankee From Georgia: The Emergence of Jimmy Carter, William Lee Miller
Reviewed by Stephen J. Wayne

pp. 688-689

The American Presidency, Richard M. Pious
Reviewed by James L. Sundquist

pp. 690-691

Where Have All the Voters Gone? The Fracturing of America's Political Parties, Everett Carll Ladd
Reviewed by Michael Kagay

pp. 691-692

Deciding What's News: A Study of CBS Evening News, NBC Nightly News, Newsweek, and Time, Herbert J. Gans
Reviewed by Doris A. Graber

pp. 692-693

Presidential Selection: Theory and Development, James W. Ceaser
Reviewed by Richard M. Pious

pp. 693-695

Herbert Hoover: A Public Life, David Burner
Reviewed by Harvard Sitkoff

pp. 695-696

Sexual Harassment of Working Women: A Case of Sex Discrimination, Catharine A. MacKinnon
Reviewed by Susan A. MacManus

pp. 696-698

New York: State and City, David Maldwyn Ellis
Reviewed by Paul Kantor

pp. 698-699

Health and the War on Poverty: A Ten-Year Appraisal, Karen Davis and Cathy Schoen
Reviewed by Sumner M. Rosen

pp. 699-700

The Environmental Protection Hustle, Bernard J. Frieden ; The Context of Environmental Politics: Unfinished Business for America's Third Century, Harold Sprout and Margaret Sprout
Reviewed by Laura M. Lake

pp. 701-703

The Social Gamble: Determining Acceptable Levels of Air Quality, Richard J. Tobin
Reviewed by Bonita A. Wlodkowski

pp. 703-705

The Future of Industrial Societies: Problems-Prospects-Solutions, Wolfgang Michalski
Reviewed by Lewis A. Coser

pp. 705-706

Study Project on Social Research and Development. Volume 2: The Funding of Social Knowledge Production and Application: A Survey of Federal Agencies, Mark A. Abramson ; Study Project on Social Research and Development. Volume 5: Knowledge and Policy: The Uncertain Connection, Laurence E. Lynn, Jr.
Reviewed by James B. Rule

pp. 706-708

Encyclopedia of Bioethics, Warren T. Reich
Reviewed by Bernard Barber

pp. 708-709

Ombudsmen Compared, Frank Stacey
Reviewed by Bernard Frank

pp. 709-711

Must Corporate Income be Taxed Twice?, Charles E. McLure
Reviewed by James W. Wetzler

pp. 711-712

Foreign State Enterprises: A Threat to American Business, Douglas F. Lamont
Reviewed by Renato Mazzolini

pp. 712-713

The Decision to Divide Germany: American Foreign Policy in Transition, John H. Backer
Reviewed by John Gimbel

pp. 713-715

The Constitution and Chief Justice Marshall, William F. Swindler
Reviewed by Douglas Camp Chaffey

pp. 715-716

The Third Electoral System, 1853-1892: Parties, Voters, and Political Cultures, Paul Kleppner
Reviewed by Richard L. McCormick

pp. 716-717

The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt, Edmund Morris
Reviewed by Ari Hoogenboom

pp. 718-719

Restraints on War: Studies in the Limitation of Armed Conflict, Michael Howard
Reviewed by Inis L. Claude, Jr.

pp. 719-720

Bargaining in International Conflicts, Charles Lockhart
Reviewed by George H. Quester

pp. 720-721

Conflict and Bargaining in the Middle East: An Israeli Perspective, Shlomo Aronson
Reviewed by Naomi Joy Williams

pp. 721-722

Distortion or Development? Contending Perspectives on the Multinational Corporation, Thomas J. Biersteker
Reviewed by Alan M. Rugman

pp. 722-724

Participation and Political Equality. A Seven-Nation Comparison, Sidney Verba and Norman H. Nie
Reviewed by Roberta S. Sigel

pp. 724-726

Technology and International Relations, John V. Granger
Reviewed by Debra Lynn Miller

pp. 726-728

Liberals and Social Democrats, Peter Clarke
Reviewed by J. O. Stubbs

pp. 729-730

From Guns to Butter: Technology Organizations and Reduced Military Spending in Western Europe, Bernard Udis
Reviewed by Paul F. Walker

pp. 730-731

Japan as Number One: Lessons for America, Ezra F. Vogel
Reviewed by William V. Rapp

pp. 732-733

The People of Asia, Gordon T. Bowles ; Ethnic Plurality in India, R. A. Schermerhorn
Reviewed by Jyotirindra Das Gupta

pp. 733-735

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