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Volume 93 - Number 4 - Winter 1978-79

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New York City and Cosmopolitan Liberalism
BERNARD GIFFORD traces the economic decline of New York City vis-a-vis the rest of the nation to the economic and social policies of the New Deal, the quintessential expression of New York's liberal political ideology. He posits that the recent economic difficulties of New York, coupled with increasing attention to computations on revenue flows between New York and Washington, may lead to a "new" New York political ideology.

pp. 559-584

Woodrow Wilson's Political Personality: A Reappraisal
Edwin A. Weinstein, JAMES W. ANDERSON, and Arthur S. Link review the literature on Woodrow Wilson's personality, concentrating on the book Woodrow Wilson and Colonel House by Alexander and Juliette George. The authors contend that the Georges' book is based on incorrect assumptions about the relationship between Wilson and his father and offer an alternative view of the dynamics of Wilson's political personality.

pp. 585-598

Control and Responsibility in the Powerful Professions
Bernard Barber examines the nature of the powerful professions in American society, the extent to which they fulfill their claims to effective self-regulation and public responsibility, the criticisms to which these professions are subjected, and the reforms suggested for them.

pp. 599-615

The Impact of The American Voter on Political Science
Gerald M. Pomper discusses the impact of the classic study of electoral behavior, The American Voter. He analyzes the sources of its influence, identifies disputed propositions from this seminal work, and suggests directions for future work in this field.

pp. 617-628

Spain Tries Democracy Again
Michael Roskin analyzes Spain's first free elections in forty-one years. He characterizes them as "shakedown" elections in which too many parties and personalities competed for a basically moderate electorate and learned some lessons in political science.

pp. 629-646

Origins of the Cold War: Some Clues from Public Opinion
George H. Quester argues that an examination of American and foreign public opinion for the years after 1945 can shed new light on the issue of "who started the cold war?" A crucial finding is that such opinion saw the cold war as emerging only slowly and gradually, rather than erupting directly at the end of World War II.

pp. 647-663

The Effect of Incumbency on Voting in Congressional Elections, 1964-1974
Candice J. Nelson shows a strong tendency among voters in congressional elections to deviate from their party affiliation when one of the candidates is an incumbent from the opposite party.

pp. 665-678


pp. 733-734

The Liberal Heresy: Origins and Historical Development, Massimo Salvadori
Reviewed by Peter Stern

pp. 679-680

Chance and Circumstance: The Draft, The War, and the Vietnam Generation, Lawrence M. Baskir and William A. Strauss
Reviewed by John O'Sullivan

pp. 680-682

Dragon and Eagle--United States-China Relations: Past and Future, Michel Oksenberg and Robert B. Oxnam
Reviewed by Bruce Douglass

pp. 682-683

Israel: The Embattled Ally, Nadav Safran
Reviewed by Lewis Brownstein

pp. 683-684

The Marshall Plan Summer: An Eyewitness Report on Europe and the Russians in 1947, Thomas A. Bailey
Reviewed by John Gimbel

pp. 685-686

The Soviet Union and International Oil Politics, Arthur Klinghoffer
Reviewed by Ben Fischer

pp. 686-687

Conflict Among Nations: Bargaining, Decision Making, and System Structure in International Crises, Paul Diesing and Glenn Snyder
Reviewed by Michael P. Sullivan

pp. 688-689

Command Decision and the Presidency: A Study in National Security Policy and Organization, R. Gordon Hoxie
Reviewed by Edward A. Kolodziej

pp. 689-690

Can Business Management Save the Cities, David Rogers
Reviewed by Emanuel S. Savas

pp. 690-692

Decision to Prosecute: Organization and Public Policy in the Antitrust Division, Suzanne Weaver
Reviewed by Martin A. Levin

pp. 692-693

Counsel for the United States: U.S. Attorneys in the Political and Legal Systems, James Eisenstein
Reviewed by Austin Sarat

pp. 693-695

The Investigators: Managing FBI and Narcotics Agents, James Q. Wilson
Reviewed by Athan Theoharis

pp. 695-697

Stability, Security, and Continuity: Mr. Justice Burton and Decision- Making in the Supreme Court 1945-1958, Mary Frances Berry
Reviewed by David N. Atkinson

pp. 697-698

The Case-or-Controversy Provision, James E. Radcliffe
Reviewed by David Fellman

pp. 698-700

State Policies and Federal Programs: Priorities and Constraints, Peter Passell and Leonard Ross
Reviewed by Thomas R. Dye

p. 700

Big-City Police, Robert M. Fogelson
Reviewed by Ira Katznelson

pp. 701-703

The Cop Who Would Be King: The Honorable Frank Rizzo, Joseph R. Daughen and Peter Binzen
Reviewed by Peter Bachrach

pp. 703-704

Metropolitan Financing and Growth Management Policies: Principles and Practice, George F. Break
Reviewed by Richard Lehne

pp. 704-705

Protest, Politics, and Prosperity: Black Americans and White Institutions, 1940-75, Dorothy K. Newman
Reviewed by Harrell R. Rodgers

pp. 705-707

Black Labor and the American Legal System, vol. 1, Race, Work, and the Law, Herbert Hill
Reviewed by Daniel J. Leab

pp. 707-708

Cancer Crusade: The Story of the National Cancer Act of 1971, Richard A. Rettig
Reviewed by Boyd R. Keenan

pp. 708-709

Comprehensive Income Taxation, Joseph A. Pechman
Reviewed by Duncan K. Foley

pp. 709-711

Welfare: The Political Economy of Welfare Reform in the United States, Martin Anderson
Reviewed by Sheila B. Kamerman

pp. 711-712

Unemployment in History: Economic Thought and Public Policy, John A. Garraty
Reviewed by Lowell K. Dyson

pp. 712-713

The Making of Political Women: A Study of Socialization and Role Conflict, Rita Mae Kelly and Mary Boutilier
Reviewed by Jessie Bernard

pp. 713-714

The Pay Board's Progress: Wage Controls in Phase II, Arnold P. Weber
Reviewed by Cordelia Reimers

pp. 715-716

British Foreign Policy under Sir Edward Grey, F. H. Hinsley
Reviewed by Robert L. Jervis

pp. 716-717

Technical Change and British Naval Policy, 1860-1939, Bryan Ranft
Reviewed by Robert L. Jervis

pp. 717-719

Political Integration and Disintegration in the British Isles, Anthony H. Birch
Reviewed by Michael Hechter

pp. 719-720

The Supreme Soviet: Politics and the Legislative Process in the Soviet Political System, Peter Vanneman
Reviewed by Peter H. Juviler

pp. 720-721

The Rise and Fall of the Cyprus Republic, Kyriacos C. Markides
Reviewed by George L. Sherry

pp. 721-723

Revolution and the Transformation of Societies, S. N. Eisenstadt
Reviewed by Lewis A. Coser

pp. 723-724

China's Future: Foreign Policy and Economic Development in the Post-Mao Era, Allen S. Whiting and Robert F. Dernberger
Reviewed by Thomas P. Bernstein

pp. 724-726

The Foreign Policy of Modern Japan, Robert A. Scalapino
Reviewed by Akira Iriye

pp. 726-727

Policy Making in Contemporary Japan, T. J. Pempel
Reviewed by Nathaniel B. Thayer

pp. 727-728

Repression and Repressive Violence, Marjo Hoefnagels
Reviewed by Mostafa Rejai

pp. 728-729

The Politics of Solzhenitsyn, Stephen Carter
Reviewed by Maurice Friedberg

pp. 729-730

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