Content in

Volume 85 - Number 1 - March 1970

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Unemployment in Developing Countries
David A. Morse

pp. 1-16

Hugo Black and Judicial Discretion
Wallace Mendelson

pp. 17-39

Marxist Theory and Bolshevik Policy: The Case of Bukharin's Historical Materialism
Stephen F. Cohen

pp. 40-60

Gentlemen Reformers in the Quaker City, 1870-1912
Philip S. Benjamin

pp. 61-79

Rousseau's Concept of Consensus
George J. Graham

pp. 80-98

Roosevelt and Frankfurter: An Essay Review
Rexford G. Tugwell

pp. 99-114

The Global Partnership: International Agencies and Economic Development, Richard N. Gardner and Max F. Millikan
Reviewed by Doris A. Graber

pp. 115-116

Public Knowledge: An Essay Concerning the Social Dimension of Science, John Ziman
Reviewed by Harriet Zuckerman

pp. 116-117

Continuities in the Study of Social Conflict, Lewis A. Coser
Reviewed by Norman A. Bailey

pp. 118-119

Five Towns: A Comparative Community Study, Lois R. Dean
Reviewed by Douglas Fox

pp. 119-121

Arms and Influence, Thomas C. Schelling ; Containing the Arms Race: Some Specific Proposals, Jeremy J. Stone
Reviewed by Walter Goldstein

pp. 121-123

Nuclear Weapons Safety and the Common Defense, Joel Larus
Reviewed by Harvey Wheeler

pp. 123-124

The Age of Containment: The Cold War, 1945-1965, David Rees
Reviewed by Dennis M. Ray

pp. 124-126

Toward a Mathematics of Politics, Gordon Tullock
Reviewed by Joseph L. Bernd

pp. 126-127

Influencing Voters: A Study of Campaign Rationality, Richard Rose
Reviewed by Hugh Douglas Price

pp. 127-128

Religion and Regime: A Sociological Account of the Reformation, Guy E. Swanson
Reviewed by Lewis W. Spitz

pp. 129-130

Industrial Relations and Economic Development, Arthur M. Ross ; Collective Bargaining in African Countries, B. C. Roberts and L. Greyfié
Reviewed by Walter Galenson

pp. 130-131

Political and Social Change in Modern Egypt: Historical Studies from the Ottoman Conquest to the United Arab Republic, P. M. Holt
Reviewed by Morroe Berger

pp. 132-133

The Emergence of Pakistan, Chaudhri Muhammad Ali
Reviewed by David D. Anderson

pp. 133-134

Australia Faces Southeast Asia: The Emergence of a Foreign Policy, Amry Vandenbosch and Mary Belle Vandenbosch
Reviewed by C. Hartley Grattan

p. 135

The Origins of Malay Nationalism, William R. Roff
Reviewed by James C. Scott

pp. 136-137

Defeat in the East: The Mark of Mao Tse-tung on War, Michael Elliott-Bateman
Reviewed by Scott A. Boorman

pp. 137-138

Contest Over Japan, Herbert Feis
Reviewed by Athan Theoharis

pp. 139-140

Conversations in Japan, David Riesman and Evelyn Thompson Riesman
Reviewed by Mary Evans

pp. 140-141

An Uncertain Friendship: Theodore Roosevelt and Japan, 1906-1909, Charles E. Neu
Reviewed by Selig Adler

pp. 141-143

Democrat and Diplomat: The Life of William E. Dodd, Robert Dallek
Reviewed by Robert A. Divine

pp. 143-144

Petroleum Pipelines and Public Policy, 1906-1959, Arthur M. Johnson
Reviewed by Willard Hurst

pp. 144-146

Slavery in the Americas: A Comparative Study of Virginia and Cuba, Herbert S. Klein
Reviewed by Marvin Harris

pp. 146-149

Revolutionary Politics and the Cuban Working Class, Maurice Zeitlin
Reviewed by Patrick V. Peppe

pp. 149-151

Colombia: The Political Dimensions of Change, Robert H. Dix
Reviewed by John J. Johnson

pp. 151-153

Leon Blum et le Parti Socialiste: 1872-1934, Gilbert Ziebura and Jean Duplex
Reviewed by Louise Dalby

pp. 153-154

Judicial Politics in the Old Regime: The Parlement of Paris during the Regency, James D. Hardy
Reviewed by Orest Ranum

pp. 156-158

Preussen Zwischen Reform und Revolution: Allgemeines Landrecht, Verwaltung und Soziale Bewegung von 1791 bis 1848, Reinhart Koselleck ; Agrarische Interessenpolitik und Preussischer Konservatismus im wilhelminischen Reich (1893-1914), Hans-Jürgen Puhle
Reviewed by Arthur Schweitzer

pp. 158-159

Der Osterreichisch-Ungarische Ausgleich von 1867: Vorgeschichte und Wirkungen, P. Berger
Reviewed by Robert A. Kann

p. 160

Germany Without Bismarck: The Crisis of Government in the Second Reich, 1890-1900, J. C. G. Röhl
Reviewed by Norman Rich

pp. 161-162

The Ordeal of Total War, 1939-1945, Gordon Wright
Reviewed by Fritz Stern

pp. 162-164

Rationalism and Nationalism in Russian Nineteenth-Century Political Thought, Leonard Schapiro
Reviewed by Nicholas V. Riasanovsky

pp. 164-166

Red October: The Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, Robert V. Daniels
Reviewed by Alexander Rabinowitch

pp. 166-167

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