Content in

Volume 78 - Number 3 - September 1963

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The Report of the Clay Committee on Foreign Aid: A Symposium
Jacob Viner, George Meany, Fowler Hamilton, Otto Passman, Paul Hoffman

pp. 321-361

Custom, Case Law, and Medieval "Constitutionalism": A Re-Examination
Fredric L. Cheyette

pp. 362-390

Revolution and Foreign Policy: Mexico's Experience
Jorge Castañeda

pp. 391-417

American Diplomatic Tactics and Neutralism
Cecil V. Crabb

pp. 418-443

Union Structure and Public Policy: The Control of Union Racial Practices
Ray Marshall

pp. 444-458

In Memoriam: Austin P. Evans

p. 490

In Memoriam: Garrett Mattingly

pp. 491-492

The Corporate Revolution in America: Economic Reality vs. Economic Theory, Gardiner C. Means
Reviewed by John M. Clark

pp. 459-460

Lord George Germain, Alan Valentine
Reviewed by Charles F. Mullett

pp. 461-462

Smuts, 1. The Sanguine Years, 1870-1919 (Vol. I), W. K. Hancock
Reviewed by Jeffrey Butler

pp. 462-465

Alexander Hamilton: The National Adventure, 1788-1804, Broadus Mitchell
Reviewed by Stephen G. Kurtz

pp. 465-467

The Production and Distribution of Knowledge in the United States, Fritz Machlup
Reviewed by Robert Lekachman

pp. 467-469

The United States in World Affairs, 1961, Richard P. Stebbins ; American Foreign Relations, 1961, Richard P. Stebbins
Reviewed by Cecil V. Crabb

pp. 469-470

The Public Purse: A Study in Canadian Democracy, Norman Ward
Reviewed by H. G. Thorburn

pp. 471-472

Government and Politics in Japan: The Road to Democracy, John M. Maki
Reviewed by Harold M. Vinacke

pp. 472-474

Communist China in Perspective, A. Doak Barnett ; Britain and China, Evan Luard
Reviewed by C. P. FitzGerald

pp. 474-476

France and Her Eastern Allies, 1919-1925: French-Czechoslovak-Polish Relations from the Paris Peace Conference to Locarno, Piotr S. Wandycz
Reviewed by René Albrecht-Carrié

pp. 476-478

The Action Francaise: Die-hard Reactionaries in Twentieth-Century France, Edward R. Tannenbaum
Reviewed by Charles A. Micaud

pp. 478-479

Soviet Administrative Legality: The Role of the Attorney General's Office, Glenn G. Morgan
Reviewed by John N. Hazard

pp. 479-480

Revolution in Hungary, Paul E. Zinner
Reviewed by Willard F. Barber

pp. 480-482

Three Intellectuals in Politics, James Joll
Reviewed by Geoffrey Bruun

pp. 482-484

Modern Government: A Survey of Political Science, Dell Gillette Hitchner and William Henry Harbold
Reviewed by G. Lowell Field

pp. 484-485

The Development of the Social Security Act: A Memorandum on the History of the Committee on Economic Security and Drafting and Legislative History of the Social Security Act, Edwin E. Witte, Frances Perkins, Wilbur J. Cohen and Robert J. Lampman ; Social Security Perspectives, Edwin E. Witte and Robert J. Lampman
Reviewed by Joseph Dorfman

pp. 485-487

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