Content in

Volume 69 - Number 4 - December 1954

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Circles of Prestige
Lyman Bryson

pp. 481-501

British Socialism and the Perils of Success
Lane Davis

pp. 502-516

Structure and Balance in Rapid Economic Growth: The Example of Mexico
Henry G. Aubrey

pp. 517-540

Constitution-Making in Pakistan
Ardath W. Burks

pp. 541-564

A Meaning for Turner's Frontier: Part II: The Southwest Frontier and New England
Stanley Elkins, Eric McKitrick

pp. 565-602

History of Economic Analysis, Joseph A. Schumpeter and Elizabeth Boody Schumpeter
Reviewed by Joseph Dorfman

pp. 603-605

The Logic of British and American Industry: A Realistic Analysis of Economic Structure and Government, P. Sargant Florence
Reviewed by G. Rosenbluth

pp. 605-606

The Public Corporation: A Comparative Symposium, W. Friedmann
Reviewed by Lucile Sheppard Keyes

pp. 607-608

Regularization of Business Investment, Melvin G. de Chazeau
Reviewed by Leon Quinto

pp. 608-610

Trade, Aid, or What?, Willard L. Thorp
Reviewed by Thomas C. Blaisdell

pp. 610-612

The Impact of Strikes: Their Social and Economic Cost, Neil W. Chamberlain and Jane M. Schilling
Reviewed by Joseph P. Goldberg

pp. 612-614

Theory and Method in the Social Sciences, Arnold M. Rose
Reviewed by Herbert H. Hyman

pp. 614-615

French Administrative Law and the Common-Law World, Bernard Schwartz
Reviewed by Harry Street

pp. 616-618

Politics and Opinion in the Nineteenth Century: An Historical Introduction, John Bowle
Reviewed by J. B. Stewart

pp. 620-621

Stresemann and the Revision of Versailles: A Fight for Reason, Henry L. Bretton

pp. 621-623

The Incompatible Allies: A Memoir-History of German-Soviet Relations, 1918-1941, Gustav Hilger and Alfred G. Meyer
Reviewed by Philip E. Mosely

pp. 623-625

America, Britain, & Russia: Their Co-operation and Conflict, 1941-1946, William Hardy McNeill
Reviewed by S. Everett Gleason

pp. 625-627

The Prophet Armed: Trotsky, 1879-1921, Isaac Deutscher
Reviewed by Leo Gruliow

pp. 627-629

The Allies and the Russian Revolution: From the Fall of the Monarchy to the Peace of Brest-Litovsk, Robert D. Warth
Reviewed by Thomas T. Hammond

pp. 629-630

Hungarian Premier: A Personal Account of a Nation's Struggle in the Second World War, C. A. Macartney and Nicholas Kállay
Reviewed by Stephen Borsody

pp. 631-633

China's Management of the American Barbarians: A Study of Sino-American Relations, 1841-1861, with Documents, Earl Swisher
Reviewed by C. Martin Wilbur

pp. 633-634

Uruguay: Portrait of a Democracy, Russell H. Fitzgibbon
Reviewed by Robert J. Alexander

pp. 635-636

The Reformation in England. Volume II: Religio Depopulata, Philip Hughes
Reviewed by Conyers Read

pp. 636-638

Franklin D. Roosevelt: The Ordeal, Frank Freidel
Reviewed by William E. Leuchtenburg

pp. 638-640

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