Content in

Volume 69 - Number 2 - June 1954

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France in Europe: Prospect and Retrospect
René Albrecht-Carrié

pp. 161-183

Savonarola, Machiavelli and Guido Antonio Vespucci: Totalitarian and Democrat Five Hundred Years Ago
German Arciniegas

pp. 184-201

American Impact Upon Middle East Leadership
N. Marbury Efimenco

pp. 202-218

The Historian and His Day
J. H. Hexter

pp. 219-233

Level of Information and Opinion Content
Philip K. Hastings

pp. 234-240

The "Contractual Agreements" and Changing Allied-West German Relations
Elmer Plischke

pp. 241-265

Human Nature in American Thought: Reconciliation of the Ages of Reason and Science
Robert L. Humphrey

pp. 266-270

The Nemesis of Power: The German Army in Politics, 1918-1945, John W. Wheeler-Bennett
Reviewed by Gordon A. Craig

pp. 271-272

The World Between the Wars: From the 1918 Armistice to the Munich Agreement, Quincy Howe ; Prelude to World War II, Gaetano Salvemini
Reviewed by René Albrecht-Carrié

pp. 273-275

The Decline of Neutrality, 1914-1941: With Special Reference to the United States and the Northern Neutrals, Nils Örvik
Reviewed by Erik J. Friis

pp. 275-277

Stemming the Tide: Speeches, 1951 and 1952, by Winston S. Churchill, Randolph S. Churchill
Reviewed by R. K. Webb

pp. 277-278

The Dynamics of Soviet Society, W. W. Rostow and Alfred Levin
Reviewed by Albert Parry

pp. 278-280

The Threat of Soviet Imperialism, C. Grove Haines
Reviewed by Alexander Dallin

pp. 280-281

Soviet Policy in the Far East, 1944-1951, Max Beloff
Reviewed by Charles B. McLane

pp. 282-283

Yo Fui un Ministro de Stalin, Jesus Hernandez
Reviewed by Robert J. Alexander

pp. 283-285

Democracy and the Party Movement in Prewar Japan: The Failure of the First Attempt, Robert A. Scalapino
Reviewed by Ardath W. Burks

pp. 285-287

Rebirth and Destiny of Israel, David Ben Gurion and Mordekhai Nurock
Reviewed by Raphael Patai

pp. 287-288

The Jews in the Soviet Satellites, Peter Meyer, Bernard D. Weinryb, Eugene Duschinsky and Nicolas Sylvain
Reviewed by Philip Friedman

pp. 288-290

Serbia Between East and West: The Events of 1903-1908, Wayne S. Vucinich
Reviewed by Otakar Odlozilik

pp. 290-292

The South African Way of Life: Values and Ideals of a Multiracial Society, G. H. Calpin
Reviewed by William A. Hance

pp. 292-293

World Population and Production: Trends and Outlook, W. S. Woytinsky and E. S. Woytinsky
Reviewed by Eugene M. Kulischer

pp. 293-295

Economic Change: Selected Essays in Business Cycles, National Income, and Economic Growth, Simon Kuznets ; Shares of Upper Income Groups in Income and Savings, Simon Kuznets and Elizabeth Jenks
Reviewed by William S. Vickrey

pp. 296-299

Railroad Leaders, 1845-1890: The Business Mind in Action, Thomas C. Cochran ; Railroads of New York: A Study of Government Aid, 1826-1875, Harry H. Pierce
Reviewed by Robert E. Riegel

pp. 299-301

The Organizational Revolution, Kenneth E. Boulding
Reviewed by Michael Albery

pp. 301-302

Church and Society: Catholic Social and Political Thought and Movements, 1789-1950, Joseph N. Moody
Reviewed by Gordon Wright

pp. 303-304

Principia Politica: A Study of Communal Psychology, Leonard Woolf
Reviewed by J. B. Stewart

pp. 305-306

English Law and the Moral Law, A. L. Goodhart
Reviewed by Frederic S. Burin

pp. 307-308

The Party System in Great Britain, Ivor Bulmer-Thomas
Reviewed by Thomas P. Peardon

pp. 308-310

The Advice and Consent of the Senate: A Study of the Confirmation of Appointments by the United States Senate, Joseph P. Harris
Reviewed by Merton L. Reichler

pp. 310-311

The Tidelands Oil Controversy: A Legal and Historical Analysis, Ernest R. Bartley
Reviewed by William E. Leuchtenburg

pp. 312-313

Age and Youth: Memories of Three Universities and Father of the Man, Ernest Barker
Reviewed by J. B. Brebner

pp. 313-314

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