A Study of History. Vols. IV, V, VI, Arnold J. Toynbee Reviewed by George Catlin
pp. 420-422
Capital Requirements: A Study in Methods as Applied to the Iron and Steel Industry, Gardiner C. Means and Louis J. Paradiso Reviewed by Charles A. Bliss
pp. 423-425
The Changing Pattern of International Economic Affairs, Herbert Feis Reviewed by W. Randolph Burgess
pp. 426-427
Exchange Control in Central Europe, Howard S. Ellis ;
Barriers to World Trade: A Study of Recent Commercial Policy, Margaret S. Gordon Reviewed by Michael A. Heilperin
pp. 427-429
The Treasury and Monetary Policy, 1933-1938, C. Griffith Johnson Reviewed by James D. Paris
pp. 429-432
The Federal Role in Unemployment Compensation Administration, Raymond C. Atkinson Reviewed by Martin Saxe
pp. 432-434
The Dual State: A Contribution to the Theory of Dictatorship, Ernst Fraenkel, E. A. Shils, Edith Lowenstein and Klaus Knorr Reviewed by Otto Kirchheimer
pp. 434-436
Constitutionalism, Ancient and Modern, Charles Howard McIlwain Reviewed by Kurt von Fritz
pp. 436-438
Democracy or Anarchy?: A Study of Proportional Representation, F. A. Hermens Reviewed by Robert Moses
pp. 438-439
The Armed Horde, 1793-1939: A Study of the Rise, Survival and Decline of the Mass Army, Hoffman Nickerson Reviewed by Richard Poate Stebbins
pp. 440-441
Prepare for Peace!, Henry M. Wriston Reviewed by Shepard Morgan
pp. 442-443
Democracy's Battle, Francis Williams Reviewed by Francis Williamson
pp. 443-444
Rousseau and Burke, Annie Marion Osborn Reviewed by J. Salwyn Schapiro
pp. 445-447
The Struggle for Judicial Supremacy: A Study of a Crisis in American Power Politics, Robert H. Jackson Reviewed by Carl Brent Swisher
pp. 447-448
The Cambridge History of the British Empire. Volume II: The Growth of the New Empire, 1783-1870, J. Holland Rose, A. P. Newton and E. A. Benians Reviewed by Robert Livingston Schuyler
pp. 449-452
Essays in Canadian History: Presented to George MacKinnon Wrong for his Eightieth Birthday, Ralph Flenley Reviewed by John Perry Pritchett
pp. 452-453
American Policy in the Far East, 1931-1940, T. A. Bisson ;
Canada and the Far East--1940, A. R. M. Lower ;
The United States and Japan's New Order, William C. Johnstone Reviewed by A. Whitney Griswold
pp. 454-455
The Caribbean Danger Zone, J. Fred Rippy ;
The Caribbean: The Story of Our Sea of Destiny, W. Adolphe Roberts Reviewed by Roscoe R. Hill
pp. 455-457
Europe, 1914-1939, E. Lipson Reviewed by George Woodbridge
pp. 457-458
War and Peace in Soviet Diplomacy, T. A. Taracouzio Reviewed by William B. Ballis
pp. 459-460
William E. Chandler: Republican, Leon Burr Richardson Reviewed by A. C. Flick
pp. 460-461
The Boss: The Hague Machine in Action, Dayton David McKean Reviewed by Roy V. Peel
pp. 462-463