Content in

Volume 52 - Number 1 - March 1937

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The Independent Regulatory Commissions
Lindsay Rogers

pp. 1-17

Contrasts in the Progress of Industrialization in China and Japan
John E. Orchard

pp. 18-50

Criminal Conspiracy and Early Labor Combinations in New York
Richard B. Morris

pp. 51-85

The German Bank Inquiry
Benjamin H. Beckhart

pp. 86-116

Recent Studies on Chinese Law
Cyrus H. Peake

pp. 117-138

The Economics of Thorstein Veblen
J. A. Hobson

pp. 139-144

The History of Western Civilization, Harry Elmer Barnes
Reviewed by Preston Slosson

pp. 145-148

A History of the Far East, G. Nye Steiger ; Japan's Foreign Relations, 1542-1936, Roy Hidemichi Akagi ; Must We Fight in Asia?, Nathaniel Peffer ; Toward Understanding Japan, Sidney L. Gulick
Reviewed by Taraknath Das

pp. 148-152

The Nazi Dictatorship, Frederick L. Schuman ; Hitler, Rudolf Olden and Walter Ettinghausen
Reviewed by Koppel S. Pinson

pp. 153-157

The Diplomacy of the American Revolution, Samuel Flagg Bemis
Reviewed by Benjamin H. Williams

pp. 157-158

The Interstate Commerce Commission: A Study in Administrative Law and Procedure, I. L. Sharfman
Reviewed by Emory R. Johnson

pp. 159-160

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