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Volume 51 - Number 3 - September 1936

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In Memoriam: Parkert Thomas Moon

p. 0

Howard Lee McBain

p. 0

Soviet Philosophy of War
D. Fedotoff White

pp. 321-353

The Genesis of the First Hague Peace Conference
Thomas K. Ford

pp. 354-382

Administrative Adjudication: An Analysis I
Charles S. Hyneman

pp. 383-417

The Bureaus of the French Constituent Assembly of 1789
Oliver J. Frederiksen

pp. 418-437

The Mind and Society: Treatise on General Sociology, Vilfredo Pareto, Arthur Livingston and Andrew Bongiorno ; Some Relations Between Political and Economic Theory, G. D. H. Cole ; An Introduction to Pareto and His Sociology, George C. Homans and Charles P. Curtis

pp. 438-441

The Development of Capitalistic Enterprise in India, Daniel Houston Buchanan ; The Indian Struggle 1920-1934, Subhas C. Bose
Reviewed by Hans Kohn

pp. 441-448

Mercantilism, Eli F. Heckscher and Mendel Shapiro
Reviewed by Abbott Payson Usher

pp. 448-451

Commons Debates, 1621, Wallace Notestein, Frances Helen Relf and Hartley Simpson
Reviewed by Robert Livingston Schuyler

pp. 451-454

The Political Philosophies of Plato and Hegel, M. B. Foster ; Morals and Politics: Theories of Their Relation from Hobbes and Spinoza to Marx and Bosanquet, E. F. Carritt
Reviewed by R. K. Gooch

pp. 454-457

The Russian Revolution, 1917-1921, William Henry Chamberlin ; Russia's Iron Age, William Henry Chamberlin
Reviewed by W. Ladejinsky

pp. 457-460

The Effect of an Unconstitutional Statute, Oliver P. Field
Reviewed by Jane Perry Clark

pp. 460-462

The Security Markets, Alfred L. Bernheim
Reviewed by H. Parker Willis

pp. 463-465

Economic Planning, G. D. H. Cole
Reviewed by J. M. Clark

pp. 465-467

The Problems of the Foreign Exchanges, L. L. B. Angas
Reviewed by John M. Chapman

pp. 467-469

Cases on International Law, Charles G. Fenwick
Reviewed by Philip C. Jessup

pp. 470-472

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