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Volume 49 - Number 3 - September 1934

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William Robert Shepherd

p. 0

France and the War Debts
Michael T. Florinsky

pp. 321-346

Dictatorship and Irresponsible Parliamentarism--A Study in the Government of Sweden
Walter Sandelius

pp. 347-371

International Sanctions: Two Old Views and a New One
Homer P. Foster

pp. 372-385

A Relativistic View of Sovereignty
Francis G. Wilson

pp. 386-410

Social Security and the General Strike
Wilfrid Harris Crook

pp. 411-420

The Political Context of the Tariff Commission
E. Pendleton Herring

pp. 421-440

Recent Political Thought, Francis W. Coker
Reviewed by R. M. MacIver

pp. 441-442

British Colonial Government after the American Revolution: 1782-1820, Helen Taft Manning
Reviewed by Robert Livingston Schuyler

pp. 447-449

International Politics: An Introduction to the Western State System, Frederick L. Schuman
Reviewed by Thomas P. Peardon

pp. 449-451

An Economic History of Soviet Russia, Lancelot Lawton
Reviewed by Geroid Tanquary Robinson

pp. 451-453

Trade Associations and Industrial Control: A Critique of the N. R. A, Simon N. Whitney
Reviewed by Arthur Robert Burns

pp. 453-455

Sir Edward Grey und das Foreign Office, Margret Boveri
Reviewed by R. J. Sontag

pp. 456-457

World Resources and Industries: A Functional Appraisal of the Availability of Agricultural and Industrial Resources, Erich W. Zimmermann
Reviewed by Walter Consuelo Langsam

pp. 457-459

Die neuen deutschen Konkordate und Kirchenvertrage, Albert M. Koeniger ; Die Konkordate. Ihre Geschichte, ihre Rechtsnatur und ihr Abschluss nach der Reichsverfassung vom II. August 1919, Erwin Lange-Ronneberg
Reviewed by John Brown Mason

pp. 459-461

China's Geographic Foundations, George Babcock Cressey
Reviewed by Grover Clark

pp. 461-462

Current Monetary Issues, Leo Pasvolsky
Reviewed by H. Parker Willis

pp. 463-464

Unemployment Funds, A Survey and Proposal, Hugh H. Wolfenden
Reviewed by Earl E. Muntz

pp. 464-466

Communications in the Far East, Frederick Vincent de Fellner
Reviewed by F. R. Eldridge

pp. 466-467

Juristische Person und Staatsperson, Hans J. Wolff
Reviewed by T. C. Clark

pp. 467-469

Statistical Procedure of Public Employment Offices, Bryce M. Stewart and Annabel M. Stewart
Reviewed by Frederick E. Croxton

pp. 469-471

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