Content in

Volume 44 - Number 2 - June 1929

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Currents of Russian Revolution
Bartlet Brebner

pp. 161-172

"The Indian Machiavelli" or Political Theory in India Two Thousand Years Ago
Herbert H. Gowen

pp. 173-192

Administrative Standards in Deportation Procedure
Jane Perry Clark

pp. 193-214

An Analysis of Japan's Cheap Labor
Dorothy J. Orchard

pp. 215-258

The Pragmatic Revolt in Politics, W. Y. Elliott

pp. 259-265

Administrative Powers over Persons and Property, Ernst Freund
Reviewed by A. N. Holcombe

pp. 265-267

State Control of Industry in Russia During the War, S. O. Zagorsky ; Russian Finance During the War, A. Michelson, P. N. Apostol and M. W. Bernatzky
Reviewed by Simon Kuznets

pp. 267-272

How the Soviets Work, H. N. Brailsford ; The Economic Organization of the Soviet Union, Scott Nearing and Jack Hardy ; Soviet Trade Unions, Robert W. Dunn ; Village Life under the Soviets, Karl Borders ; Religion under the Soviets, Julius Hecker ; Soviet Russia and Her Neighbors, R. Page Arnot ; Women in Soviet Russia, Jessica Smith ; Health Work in Soviet Russia, Annie J. Haines
Reviewed by Simon Kuznets

pp. 272-276

The Native Problem in Africa, Raymond Leslie Buell
Reviewed by Quincy Wright

pp. 276-279

Letters of Members of the Continental Congress. Volume III. January 1st to December 31, 1778. Volume IV. January 1st to December 31, 1779, Edmund C. Burnett
Reviewed by Evarts B. Greene

pp. 279-283

Chapters in the Administrative History of Mediaeval England: The Wardrobe, the Chamber, and the Small Seals, T. F. Tout
Reviewed by Albert B. White

pp. 283-285

The War Diary of the Emperor Frederick III (1870-1871), A. R. Allinson
Reviewed by Edgar N. Johnson

pp. 285-287

Palmerston, Philip Guedalla
Reviewed by Arthur N. Cook

pp. 287-288

Denkwurdigkeiten des Marschalls Izzet Pascha, Karl Klinghardt and K. F. Koehler
Reviewed by William L. Langer

pp. 289-290

Talleyrand, 1754-1838, G. Lacour-Gayet
Reviewed by J. E. Swain

pp. 291-293

Current International Cooperation, Manley O. Hudson
Reviewed by Clyde Eagleton

pp. 293-295

Comment la Wilhelmstrasse Ecrivait l'Histoire Pendant la Guerre, Richard Grelling
Reviewed by Bernadotte E. Schmitt

pp. 295-298

American Medicine and the People's Health, Henry H. Moore ; Health and Wealth, Louis I. Dublin
Reviewed by Schuyler C. Wallace

pp. 298-299

The Elements of Crime, John H. Wigmore, Boris Brasol and William A. White
Reviewed by C. E. Gehlke

pp. 299-302

The Natural History of Revolution, Lyford P. Edwards
Reviewed by Crane Brinton

pp. 302-303

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