Content in

Volume 43 - Number 3 - September 1928

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Russia, the Straits Question and the Origins of the Balkan League, 1908-1912
William L. Langer

pp. 321-363

On Inland Transportation and Communication in Antiquity
William Linn Westermann

pp. 364-387

The American Federation of Labor and the Intellectuals
Lyle W. Cooper

pp. 388-407

Land Income
Richard T. Ely

pp. 408-427

National Character and the Factors in its Formation, Ernest Barker

pp. 428-432

Qui Sera le Maitre, Europe ou Amerique?, Lucien Romier
Reviewed by H. D. Hill

pp. 432-435

British Documents on the Origins of the War, 1898-1914. Volume I. The End of British Isolation. Volume II. The Anglo-Japanese Alliance and the Franco-British Entente, G. P. Gooch and Harold Temperley
Reviewed by William L. Langer

pp. 435-440

The Immediate Origins of the War, Pierre Renouvin
Reviewed by William L. Langer

pp. 441-443

Industrial Combinations and Public Policy, Myron W. Watkins
Reviewed by Charles A. Gulick

pp. 443-447

A Survey of the Social Structure of England and Wales as Illustrated by Statistics, A. M. Carr-Saunders and D. Caradog Jones

pp. 447-449

Prize Law During the World War. A Study of the Jurisprudence of the Prize Courts, 1914-1924, James Wilford Garner
Reviewed by Philip C. Jessup

pp. 450-452

Business Cycle Theory. Its Development and Present Status, Alvin H. Hansen
Reviewed by Simon Kuznets

pp. 452-454

The Spanish-American Frontier: 1783-1795--The Westward Movement and the Spanish Retreat in the Mississippi Valley, Arthur Preston Whitaker
Reviewed by William R. Shepherd

pp. 454-455

Communism, Harold J. Laski
Reviewed by Max Lerner

pp. 456-458

The Rhineland Occupation, Henry T. Allen
Reviewed by David P. Barrows

pp. 461-464

A History of Socialist Thought, Harry W. Laidler
Reviewed by P. F. Brissenden

pp. 464-468

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