Content in

Volume 38 - Number 1 - March 1923

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The Effects of Taxation

pp. 1-23

The Secret Anglo-German Convention of 1914 Regarding Asiatic Turkey
Edward Mead Earle

pp. 24-44

Jeremy Bentham
Graham Wallas

pp. 45-56

The Development of Anti-Japanese Agitation in the United States.
Raymond Leslie Buell

pp. 57-81

Early American Policy in Korea, 1883-7
Tyler Dennett

pp. 82-103

The Britannic Question and the American Revolution
Robert Livingston Schuyler

pp. 104-114

William E. Dodd

pp. 115-132

The History of the Balkan Peninsula from the Earliest Times to the Present Day, Ferdinand Schevill ; A Short History of the Near East from the Founding of Constantinople (330 A. D., to 1922), William Stearns Davis ; The Western Question in Greece and Turkey. A Study in the Contact of Civilizations, Arnold J. Toynbee
Reviewed by M. M. Knight

pp. 133-136

The Life of Ulysses S. Grant, Louis A. Coolidge
Reviewed by David S. Muzzey

pp. 136-141

The Foundations of American Nationality: A Short History of the American People, Evarts Boutell Greene
Reviewed by Charles M. Andrews

pp. 141-144

Problems in Pan-Americanism, Samuel Guy Inman
Reviewed by Charles E. Chapman

pp. 144-146

Secret History of the English Occupation of Egypt. Being a Personal Narrative of Events, Wilfrid Scawen Blunt
Reviewed by Parker Thomas Moon

pp. 146-149

Germany in Travail, Otto Manthey-Zorn
Reviewed by Robert Herndon Fife

pp. 150-152

Fiscal and Diplomatic Freedom of the British Oversea Dominions, Edward Porritt
Reviewed by C. D. Allin

pp. 152-154

An Introduction to the Study of Labor Problems, Gordon S. Watkins
Reviewed by H. A. Millis

pp. 154-156

The Washington Conference, Raymond Leslie Buell
Reviewed by Harold M. Vinacke

pp. 159-161

The Life and Letters of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Oscar Douglas Skelton
Reviewed by J. L. Morison

pp. 161-164

The New Latin America, J. Warshaw
Reviewed by C. H. Haring

pp. 164-165

Principles of the New Economics, Lionel D. Edie
Reviewed by Rexford G. Tugwell

pp. 166-168

Allied Shipping Control, J. A. Salter
Reviewed by J. P. Chamberlain

pp. 168-170

Community Life and Civic Problems, Howard Copeland Hill

pp. 171-172

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