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Volume 34 - Number 3 - September 1919

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The Revenue Act of 1918
Robert Murray Haig

pp. 369-391

The Expansion of Europe III
William R. Shepherd

pp. 392-412

How Women Vote
William F. Ogburn and Inez Goltra studied an election held in Portland, Oregon, in 1914, to find out how women voted. 

pp. 413-433

Price Fixing in the United States During the War.
Lewis H. Haney

pp. 434-453

How Massachusetts Adopted the Initiative and Referendum
George H. Haynes

pp. 454-475

Bismarck Reconsidered
Munroe Smith

pp. 476-485

The Rise and Progress of the Merit System
Everett P. Wheeler

pp. 486-492

The Value of Money, Tjardus Greidanus
Reviewed by E. W. Kemmerer

pp. 493-498

American Labor and the War, Samuel Gompers
Reviewed by Henry R. Seager

pp. 499-501

The British Revolution and American Democracy, Norman Angell ; Labor and Reconstruction in Europe, Elisha M. Friedman ; Problems of Reconstruction, Isaac Lippincott
Reviewed by Ordway Tead

pp. 501-503

Readings in Industrial Society, Leon Carroll Marshall
Reviewed by Leon Ardzrooni

pp. 503-505

Regulation of Railways, Samuel O. Dunn
Reviewed by T. W. Van Metre

pp. 505-507

Social Process, Charles Horton Cooley
Reviewed by Newell L. Sims

pp. 508-509

Budget Making in a Democracy: A New View of Budget Making, Edward A. Fitzpatrick
Reviewed by Frederick A. Cleveland

pp. 510-512

France Facing Germany, Georges Clemenceau and Ernest Hunter Wright
Reviewed by P. de Bacourt

pp. 512-516

The Rise of Nationality in the Balkans, R. W. Seton-Watson
Reviewed by William M. Sloane

pp. 518-520

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