Presidential and Parliamentary Democracies: Which Work Best?
May 20-21, 1993
New York, NY
American Presidential Democracy
Italian Parliamentary Democracy
British Parliamentary Democracy
Comparative Strengths and Weaknesses
Giulio Andreotti
Senator of the Italian Republic
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, former Prime Minister
Mauro Calise
Professor of Political Science, University of Trento-Viaverdi
Demetrios Caraley
Janet H. Robb Professor of the Social Science
Professor of Political Science, Barnard College and Columbia University
President, The Academy of Political Science
James Christoph
Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Indiana University
Leon Epstein
Hilldale Professor Emeritus of Political Science, University of Wisconsin
William Green
Member of the U.S. House of Representative, 1978-1992
Jennifer Hochschild
Professor of Politics and Public Affairs, Princeton University
Ira Katznelson
Henry A. and Louise Loeb Professor of Political Science, New School for Social Research
Joseph LaPalombara
Arnold Wolfers Professor of Political Science, Yale University
Maristella Lorch
Professor Emeritus of Italian Literature, Columbia University
Director, Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America
Theodore Lowi
John L. Senior Professor of American Institutions
Professor of Political Science, Cornell University
Raffaella Nanetti
Professor of Urban Planning and Policy, University of Illinois at Chicago
Gillian Peele
Professor of Political Science, Oxford University
Richard Pious
Professor of Political Science, Barnard College
Giovanni Sartori
A. Schweitzer Professor of the Humanities, Columbia University
Theodore Sorensen
Attorney, author and Special Counsel to President John F. Kennedy
James Sundquist
Senior Fellow Emeritus, The Brookings Institution
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Academy Forum | The Transatlantic Relationship and the Russia-Ukraine War
January 9, 2025
4:00 p.m.–5:00 p.m. ET
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Introduction: Black Power and the Civil Rights Agendas of Charles V. Hamilton
Marylena Mantas and Robert Y. Shapiro
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